Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV

"Natsu, what do you plan on doing about this?" He wasn't really set on a plan, other then infiltrating his mansion and murdering him in cold blood.

"I told you before-"

"That won't work Natsu! I've lived with my father for a long time, I've got a past with him. Plus there are knights at every entrance of the mansion."

"Luce you should know I'm not afraid of them." He muttered.

"Tell me Natsu, just what are you?" I asked him.

He was silent. He'd already told me before that he wasn't human. I knew he wasn't bluffing after all Juvia and Gray claimed the same thing.

"My family came from a bloodline of dragon tamers.. although, that's not as bad as what the others were. Or how insanely smart they were." He started.

"As time flew by, we had a certain village, dragons lived peacefully along with us. However, my family had died earlier..." he took a deep breath.

"There were some people from our village that were obsessed with dragon blood. Scientists, doctors, things like that. I was defenseless along with a couple of other children. Gajeel... He was one I knew. Along time the scientist that worked in our community started to lose it. They began testing young children; implanting dragon DNA and blood into our systems. Many children didn't make it. Gajeel and I were lucky to make it through the rigorous testing."

Guilt settled in somewhere in my stomach and pricked at my heart. What insane human would put defenseless children into such brutal practices?

"After we turned 16, the power began to settle in. We both were training secretly underground and had achieved the strength that was needed to escape that horrid dungeon. We both finally made it to the testing ground and found each and every scientist that was working there.. lets just say we put them to rest. They were no longer a problem to us. Through the place there were mazes and puzzles, we'd actually believe that is what they'd planned. Funny right? Their own deaths just for the sake of their practices, how ridiculous." He stopped.

Not even I would have guessed he'd gone through that. It was kind of unbelievable at the same time, he was half dragon in a way. I didn't think a person was capable of such madness.

"I never guessed as well Luce. The same thing happened to Gajeel. I guess we were both made targets... Meeting you was a great thing as a child. One of the scientists let some of us out, they didn't want us going mental being inside all day.. plus I'd never made a friend outside of that cell."

"I'm glad I was able to keep you company.. to help you. I wish you'd have told me at the time, I could've helped you!" I said, I could just taste the guilt.

"I couldn't just leave Gajeel there. Plus, telling you that would risk the village, they wouldn't want to be ruled by your father; they knew about him and let me tell you, they despised him. I guess there is one other thing but I'll save that for later." he told me with a quick smile.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Curious are we?" He chuckled.

"Natsu come on you can't just not tell me.." I muttered.

"It's personal Luce, I'll tell you another time. I'm just not ready to talk about it again." he spoke sadly.

The door to his room opened with a creak and Gajeel walked in. He walked over to Natsu and muttered something. Natsu cursed to himself.

"Luce, you should go." He paused looking towards Gajeel with an irritated expression, "We have some things to discuss." He said.

I nodded without a word and walked out of his room. Closing the door behind me I advanced back to Levy's room.

My gut told me I shouldn't tell her what Natsu told me. It made me feel sick thinking about his childhood. From what I saw back then, comparing it to what I know now I feel angry at myself..I couldn't help him..! Who knows what if I can't even help him now...

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