Chapter 18

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Lucy's POV:

Last night still had me on guard. Even if he was gone I couldn't shake off the taunting feeling I'd get when I'm alone. It got to a point where I stayed with anyone I can, just so I could feel secure. I'd stay with Natsu all day but, he somehow always disappears, where to I don't know, but he does and it irritates me.

A harsh sigh escaped my lips as I leaned on both palms, why couldn't I just be left alone by him. I'm comfortable here. I'm happy here! My fathers arrogance gets in the way of his judgment, I still wish for the day he understands his decisions and how they effect others. It's just not fair the way he treats others.

I wish I could change it.

But I can't..

I wish I had power like him, but I don't.

When I was younger I still recall all the times he left me alone. Never did he treat me like a daughter. I was a tool, an asset to his work. I hoped when mother passed away that he noticed how bad pain would be and learn from it but.. He never did.

It just got worse.

A lot worse.

Glass shattered behind me, a shrill shriek escaping my throat as two people covered my mouth, there eyes almost daring me to call for help.

Tears slipped down my face, curse me for being so emotional..!

"How pathetic." I flinched at the nickname.. It easily took me back to darker times.

"This is his daughter?" A rather masculine male voice asked the other, "Yeah." He nodded whilst tying me up.

I felt useless as they restrained me, even if I provided and hunted, that didn't mean that I was strong. I really wasn't.

A couple of moments later, sleep was the only thing on my mind. I knew they used chloroform, that was obvious.

First calm, then tired, last I was out.

Where am I? I thought as I regained conscious. My body easily tenses when I heard two familiar, male voices arguing.

"Dammit Sting! I said bring her here willingly! I need her to trust me so I could easily just get her to agree!" My father.

"She wouldn't ever trust you Jude. She hates you." Sting.

Gosh, my memories flashed, I remember being taken now! Now how'll I get out??

"Sting, just take her, do whatever. Just make sure she trusts you." Da-Jude sighed.

"I could care less if she trusted me or not." Sting proclaimed, "She's my toy and I could do whatever hell I please." He answered arrogantly.

Toy..? Is that what I was..? Did da-Jude really allow this? No he definitely did.. He doesn't care..

"Fine. Just tell me when the wedding is, and calling your fiancé a toy isn't nice."

"That's all she is to me. Marrying me is only for the money, she's no wife."

Tears threatened to drop at the harsh words, I felt anger rise in my stomach, how dare they talk about me this way?! I felt a strong urge to get up and smack both of them but stayed my ground.


"Jude, I shall inform you when the wedding will be." Sting said his shoes disappearing farther into the distance.

"Watch out for him, Sting." My father warned him and he scoffed, "Natsu is no worry to me, although he's strong he attacks with his intuition more than strategy." Sting laughed and that only made me seethe even more.

"No Sting." My father paused, "He's back, he's smarter too. Don't mess with him, you'll get hurt.."

A crash and a groan filled my ears and I was wondering what happens but I didn't dare open my eyes, "Don't ever underestimate me Jude."

My father groaned, "Farewell Sting." My father said and I heard the door open and close.

Sting was the only one left, I knew he was approaching me, I expected him to sit next to me but what I didn't expect was what he said, "Don't play games with me Lucy," he whispered lowly, "I know your awake."


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