Chapter 17

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Lucy's POV:

I stood frozen by the sudden intrusion.

Sting looked down at me with a smile - one filled with such madness.

"Lucy-chan~ it's been how long since I've seen you~?" He cooed whilst tilting my chin upwards to see him.

I gaped at the scar above his eye, he never had that before! What the hell happened to him?!

"Sting.. Why the hell are you here?!" I spat and he didn't seem effected by it, just continued smiling.

"You know exactly why I'm here.. My princess."

So he was serious? Dammit, I knew he was but my mind just kept trying to tell me otherwise! How am I supposed to get to Natsu?!

"He can't hear you from here, I'll have to take you out without any interruptions. So stay quiet unless you want something quite tragic to happen to someone very special." He stated emphasizing the word tragic.

Levy immediately popped up in my mind, he laughed mentally as if he read my mind, "That's right, now, now~ we wouldn't want something bad happening to your sweet little friend now would we~?" He sung and I internally cringed.

"Just leave me alone." I seethed.

"Now, now, you know I can't do that, not only does your father want you back, but so do I." He stated before trailing his fingertips down my side to my waist.

"Sting stop! What the hell has gotten into you?!" I whisper/yelled whilst struggling from his grip.

"Nothing Lucy-chan~ nothing at all~ I just miss my beautiful fiancé~! It's time for us to seal our bond after all~! Then - then you'll be mine no matter what!! Not even Natsu can have you then!" He laughed a little more louder this time.

Running footsteps caused his laugh to stop, a look of panic crossed his face as he pushed a dagger to my neck, "Don't tell anyone I came here, got that Princess~?" He whispered into my ear before disappearing.

"Luce!" Natsu's voice filled the dangerous silence.

Not even his voice could calm me down right now.. He threatened not only me but Levy..! What if he's actually watching?!

Natsu noticed my look of distress, he didn't bother asking about it - probably guessing I wasn't ready to talk about it.

"Come on Luce, would you like to stay with me?" He asked and I gave a frantic nod, which did bring a warm smile to his face.

•Next Day•

I slowly stirred awake when I felt Natsu tap me. He sighed, "Luce, come on we have to go eat now."

My eyes opened, thankfully all Natsu really had as a light source was candles - I'm guessing he didn't like the idea of sunlight in the morning either.

"I'm up." I answered looking up at his face, still half coded with sleep.

He didn't look satisfied though, the events of last night came to mind and I realized I hadn't told him yet. He's probably expecting an explanation.

Just as I expected he asked, "What happened last night?"

"Why do you expect something happened?" I asked, "Nothing happened Natsu, all is fine." I told him reassuringly although, he didn't buy it.

"Luce, you looked absolutely terrified. Your skin was pale and breaths were ragged, just the mere touch gave you goosebumps." He reasoned and I gave a strangled sigh.

Bitterness welled up in my stomach at his tone, he deserved to know but, just the fear that came along with the thought of what Sting was capable of haunted me and stopped me from saying anything.

Natsu let out a sigh, "Never mind, you can tell me when you feel your ready."

I gave a thankful kid before being pulled out of bed by him, "But we're still going to go eat." He said a sloppy grin forming on his face.

"Of course." I said with a smile of my own.


Forgive the short chapter I've just been having a lot of personal problems...

I'll try to update this story more often - until then!


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