Chapter 44

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AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTE. ( please at least read the two last paragraphs.)


How am I going to tell him? He is going to flip shit when he finds out! I'm meeting him at his house right now so I can talk to him. How do I tell my ex boyfriend I'm getting married. He got really angry when I told him Jake was moving in.

" Brennen you home?" I ask coming in to his house.

" Yeah I'm in the living room." I walked into the living room and there he was.

" Hey." I say sitting by him.

" Hey yourself."

" Where is Lux?" Brennen asked me.

" She is with my mom she wanted to take her to the zoo." I say to him.

He nods.

" Brennen we need to talk."

" What about?" He asks me.

" Jake asked me to Marry him, and I said yes." He looks up and sighs.

He just looked at the wall with a blank face

" Brennen talk to me." I beg him.

" You really want me to talk to you about this?" He asks irritated.

I nod.

" I don't want you to get married Alex. I don't want someone else tucking Lux into bed, I don't want someone else reading her a bed time story. I don't want someone else to teach her how to drive! I don't want you to think of a future when I can't even think of a future without you! I love you Alex, I love you so much. "

" Brennen."

" I was there when nobody else was. I was there when you gave birth, I was there when your brother and dad came. I was there in high school, even when we were fighting I was still there. I hate having you choose between me and him, but chose me Alex. Chose me because I love you."

" I love you too." I think inside my head.

" I'm just afraid." I say quietly.

" Afraid of what?"

" Afraid of me when it comes to you, because the memories I keep are the things that give me light when the world is black. And that scares the hell out of me because I cant fall in love with you. Not because I'm with someone, but because I'm afraid of screwing things up if I let myself fall. " I explain to him.

" Why are you so scared to screw up? We all screw up in our life, were people. We make mistakes, and we can't do anything to change that, being with me is not screwing up.

" I-I can't leave him I love him."

" You love me too!" He shouts.

" I can't do this right now." I say running out the door.

I think I know what I need to do.


I've been getting lots of comments about how it's annoying how she keeps choosing Jake and not Brennen. I'm glad you guys are getting annoyed because I wanted you guys to feel that way.

Just understand that even though she keeps choosing Jake, she loves Brennen just as much and even more.

I hate to say this, but there are 2 more chapters left in the book. I'm sorry this book is so short, but I feel like there is nothing to add more to this book. If you have any ideas to make this book longer please, please, please, DM me.

Good news is After this book I will be making a new one! I am looking for someone to write this book with me I will give you shout outs after each chapter and other things. so if you want to help me write a book please DM me!

The New Beginning / Brennen TaylorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz