Chapter 36

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It's been 3 weeks since I've had the baby. I've Barley gotten any sleep. Brennen comes over every single day and holds the baby while I sleep at night. I'm glad I didn't have to do this alone because I am so stressed out.

I have to start work again next week Brennen also has a leave to help me and he starts working at the bar again next week. He goes to work on Fridays and Wednesdays from 7pm to 12:30 I work through the week except on Friday from 9:30 am to 5:30 at night.

so it will work out good for Brennen and I. I mean it sucks that I only get to see her at night but I need to take care of the family and make money. maybe as I still work there I will get a different time schedule.

I was holding Lux while she was crying and I was trying to clean my whole house! My parents just called me and asked if they could Come over for dinner so I have to make dinner and clean the house in less then an hour! I kept patting her and giving her the bottle of breast milk, but she kept on screaming!

I heard the door shut and Brennen came in the house. He grabbed Lux from my arms seeing I was having a hard time and she instantly stopped crying.

" How do you do that?" I asked irritated.

" She must love her daddy." He grinned down at her.

I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah obviously."

" What's wrong?" He asked rocking the baby back and forth.

" What's wrong is that Lux keeps screaming no matter what I do, my parents want to have dinner over here so I have to clean up and make them food. I'm so tired Brennen I haven't gotten any sleep. I know you have her for a few hours at night but when you leave she starts to scream." I cry wiping away my tears.

" Alex go lay down, I will take care of everything okay?" He rubbed my back.

" You don't need to do that."

" I want to, go lay down. Lux is asleep I will go lay her in her crib don't worry about anything just go sleep for a while."

" Thank you." I give him a small smile.

I went in my bed and closed my eyes. Instantly I fell right asleep.

I woke up of the sound of people laughing and talking. I went out and saw my parents and Brennen laughing about something.

" Hello sweetie how was your nap." My mom asked me?

" It was good." I smile and sit down by Brennen.

" Where is Lux?" I ask him.

" She is still asleep."

" Well we better get going." My mom stood and got up.

" I though you wanted to eat dinner?"

" We already ate silly, thank you for the meal Alex it was delicious." I scrunch up my nose of confusion.

" Oh I-"

" She is wonderful she made a wonder meal and she still took care of Lux." Brennen said smiling at my mom.

" Well good night." My mom said walking out the door.

" Brennen." I say walking behind him into the kitchen.

" What?"

" You didn't have to do that." I say.

" well now I guess you owe me." He smirked putting the food away.

" And what do I owe you?" I smirked back.

" This."

He grabbed my cheek and softly put his lips onto mine. I've been waiting for this for so long, until the baby started to cry. His hand was still on my cheek we were looking at each other smiling.

" I should go get her." I say.

" Okay." He said putting his hand down and started to still put the food away.

I think our paths crossed.


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