Chapter 45

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I opened the front door and sat on the couch. I don't even know what to do anymore, but I can't keep holding on to one of them. As much as I want to deny it, I do love Brennen. I've always loved Brennen and I don't think I will ever stop.

" You're home?" Jake says coming towards me.

" Yeah I am." I say awkwardly remembering what happened this morning.

" What is wrong babe?" He knows something is up.

" Jake." I say.

" You choose him." He says sitting down in the other chair.

" I'm sorry." I say tears rolling down my face.

" Why not me! Why didn't you choose me!" He yells.

" Because I never stopped loving him!" I yelled back, standing up.

" So why did you date me, why tell me you love me all this time."

" Because I didn't know I would fall for him this hard." I say quietly.

" I didn't know I would fall for you this hard."

" I didn't want this Jake. I didn't want to be in a relationship right after I had a baby. I just don't do good in relationship. "

" You say you hate relationship. You say you can't do them, but why did you get pregnant why do you want to date him?"

" You think I planned for this? You think I planned to get pregnant so young? I fell for Brennen because I never stopped loving him. I'm sorry Jake I'm sorry that I didn't love you more than I should have. I'm sorry that I picked Brennen over you, okay I'm sorry! " I tell him.

" I'm sorry I gave you everything I had without making sure you wanted it." He apologizes to me.

" You know I love you."

" I'm sorry I yelled at you. It's just you're such an amazing girl and I don't want to lose you."

" I don't want to lose you too." I smile.

" So did you tell him that you chose him?" He asks.

" No I  ran out of his house." I scratch my head.

" Well you need to go back and find him." He says.

" Come here." I tell him, grabbing him and hugging him.

" fight for him Alex." He whispers in my ear

The New Beginning / Brennen TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now