Chapter 17

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Today's the day of my moms wedding. I am so happy for her, she found the guy of her dreams. It was about 1 hour until the wedding starts.

" does this look good." My mom walks out in her beautiful wedding dress.

" Mom your gorgeous." I said giving her a hug.

" you look beautiful Alex."

" Thank you."

I felt warm tears coming from my eyes. My vision went blurry.

" Alex what's wrong?" My mom asks worried.

" I don't know, I'm just super happy for you." I say smiling.

" I love you sweetie."

" love you too."

The wedding was beautiful. I basically was crying during it, but it was beautiful. Their perfect for each other.

It was finally the reception time I was so hungry.

" Alex." Somebody says behind me.

I turn around and There's Brennen.

" uh hey Brennen." I say awkwardly.

" This is beautiful I can't believe you did it all yourself."

" Thanks." I blush.

" Alex listen-"

" Brennen I get it, you don't like me and that's fine. You don't need to keep explaining yourself."

" Yes I do because Alex I like you a lot, and that night I was drunk and I know that's not an excuse, but maybe it is. Either way I like you and nobody can change that."

"I'm scared to like anyone. Because I end up getting attached. Knowing that you may be here now one day you'll be gone. Just that single thought scares me along with tons of "what if's". It's as if I could go to sleep knowing you're mine and wake up knowing I probably won't hear from you ever again. I just don't want to get so close and then end up being broken."

" Alex I won't hurt you I promise, will you give me one chance."

" one more wouldn't hurt." I smile.


Sorry it was short. Thank you guys for reading I can't believe how much views this is getting!

I put a quote in their I found. It was from tumblr and you guys should go follow their account it's called " The Love Whisperer" go check them out on tumblr!!

Guys please like the chapters because I don't know if you like the book or not. Message me if you want me to add people or stuff in this book! Remember to follow me please!!!

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