Chapter 43

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" Will you marry me?" He asks getting on one knee.

Oh my god.

" N-no." I stutter on my words.

" What?" He asks standing back up.

what did I just say!?!?

" No I didn't mean it that way! But Jake getting married is so serious, do you really know me that well?" I ask him.

" I know you hate when people click their pen on the desk, and you hate surprises. I also know when you eat stuff you don't like your face turns red, but most importantly I know that I love you." Tears ran down my face.

I don't know what to say.

" Just think about it baby." He says kissing my cheek.

" I will, my mom wants me to come over so I have to go."

He nods.

I'm at my moms house and I'm sitting in the kitchen while my mom makes cookies.

" Jake proposed to me." I blurted out.

" Oh my god! That's amazing Alex!" She says hugging me.

" I said no, then he said all this amazing stuff and I do  love him, I just don't know why I said no." I tell her as she listens.

" Maybe there's a part of you that still loves Brennen."

" I do not love Brennen! I love Jake, and he is the better guy."

" It doesn't matter who the better guy is, it matters if the guy is better for you." She tells me.


" I just don't want to lose either of them."

" Sometimes the best thing to do is to let someone go, because it's not fair to the other person."

" Mom I have to go talk to Jake." I say grabbing my keys and leaving.

I don't know what is good for me. I don't like making decisions, because don't want to make the wrong decision. I don't want to lose the other person, but I won't lose Brennen. Brennen is the father of my baby girl, so how will I lose him?

" Jake are you home?" I yell dropping my keys on the table.

" I'm right here." He says sitting on the couch.

" Yes." I say.

" Yes what?" He asked confused.

I'm doing this.

" Yes I will marry you." He stands up and hugs me.

" I love you." He says.

" I love you too." I say.

And Brennen.

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