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" I brought popcorn!" I say opening the doors to Brennens house.

Everything that has been going on with me and Brennen we just wanted a relaxing day. So we're having a Netflix day which basically means we pick a series to watch and we try to watch as much as we can.

" What Series's do you even want to watch." Brennen said looking at the different tv shows.

" Let's watch How I Met Your Mother." We both agreed and started to watch it.

We were laying on the couch still laughing at the funny show. We had his arms around my waist I turned around and faced him.

" Guess what." I say looking at him.

" What." He asks.

" I love you." I say.

Our lips met and they went in sync, we started to make out.

" let's go to your room." I whisper in his hear.

We were still making out he shut the door and he put me on the bed. The rest was history.

" That was amazing." I say laying by him.

" That's because your amazing." He says kissing me.

" I love you." I tell him putting my shirt back on.

" I know." He says winking, while putting his pants back on.

" Brennen do you draw." I ask looking at these amazing drawings.

" Yeah." He shrugs.

" They're beautiful."

" Your beautiful." He smiles.

" I've never had a boyfriend that treats me like this." I tell him.

" How did they treat you?" He asks sitting in the bed with me.

" They basically just pointed out all my flaws, all my mistakes. When we started dating I was just surprised you liked me." I explain.

" Alex I want you. All your flaws, all your mistakes. All your imperfections. I want you and only you. I love you Alex and it's as simple as that." How did I get so lucky with this amazing guy.

" I still fall for you everyday." I passionately kiss him.

Brennen is my happiness. Without him I'm not happy. Even though we get in those stupid little fights all it comes down to is that I love him. There is something about him that just won't let me give up.

The New Beginning / Brennen TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now