Chapter 32

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Taking a deep breath, I emptied my mind and concentrated on Thor again. Straightening my posture, I sifted in my seated position in front of the bars facing Loki.

Come on Skadi, concentrate. Clear your mind. Clear it!

"I can't do it!" I exclaimed after a minute of silence. "I hardly know anything about Thor, I've talked to him twice!"

"Actually, you two became quite close when you had to fight together to save the Earth."

"I'm guessing this was after I lied to him about your whereabouts and I pulled an arrow on him in the vault of weapons." I exclaimed.

"Wait, you remember that?"

I paused. It dawned on me that I hadn't told him yet about my memories returning.

"Yes but I only remembered up until-" I studied Loki's face as he waited for my answer. I was unsure whether to admit it to him, but I spoke before my brain even agreed. "-Up until the kiss."

Loki smirked. "Well it's better than nothing I suppose." I blushed.

"We don't have time for this Loki! We need to warn Asgard!" I growled at him.

He continued to smirk, but he nodded. "Alright try again. But this time I'll talk you through it."

I nodded and closed my eyes again.

"Clear your mind. Imagine Asgard. Imagine the inside of the Great Hall, the first time you met Thor."

I did as he said. Imagining the golden pillars of the hall, and Thor's bright red cape as he stood in front of the throne.

"Trying to get in contact with Thor are we?" Sneered my mother's voice.

Loki and I snapped around to face the evil queen herself.

"Trying to contact Thor are we? Well I'm sorry but that's not going to happen." She smirked. She had complete control and it made me sick.

I jumped up and launched myself at her. The cell bars stopped me and she didn't even flinch from the other side. She just smirked.

"Save your energy snowflake, your going to nee it to kill your fellow Avengers."

I stopped struggling against the bars and looked into her eyes. She had us in the palm of her hands, and there was no escape.

"Open the cell doors." She ordered her henchmen. "Bring them to the ships, we attack at dusk. Without a second glance, she strolled out of the room.

Loki and I didn't resist as the guards put us in chains and lead us through the castle. Soldiers and officials were bustling everywhere, obviously doing last minute preparations for the battle.

We were lead out of the castle and into the dull afternoon light in the courtyard. The crumbling ruins of the castle gates revealed the rocky landscape to be bustling with soldiers. All gearing up and checking their equipment, well, those that needed it.

There were several different creatures among the army. Some looking like smaller frost giants, others were scary beyond imagine nation.

"How are there so many willing to destroy Asgard?" I whispered to Loki as we were escorted through the crowd. We received many menacing glares from the soldiers, but they all stayed out of our way.

"Asgard has a lot of enemies. I think your mother found where they were all hiding." He whispered back before the conversation fell silent.

Finally, we had reached several small ship-like vehicles, resembling the one Loki and I had tried to escape Asgard on. We were escorted onto the biggest of the ships, and then forced to sit like children as the guards stood around us.

I watched over the edge of the ship as the soldiers slowly but surely organized themselves for battle.

The sun sunk lower and lower over the horizon as we waited for the impending doom of battle.

"Do you think Thor knows? Do you think Asgard is prepared?" I whispered as my voice cracked.

Loki gave me a wordless, grim look. I sighed and closed my eyes.

This is a disaster.

My depressing mood only lasted a second before my mother strolled onto the ship with an air of confidence about her and then headed straight for us.

"We so sad snowflake? You should be excited. Finally, you get to do something good for the world." She cooed as she stood in front of me.

I glared up at her, wishing I could slap the smirk off her face.

"Well don't worry." She growled as she leaned down so we were face to face. "You soon will be."

I watched her move in front of Loki, her palm positioned just above his forehead, the other hand holding onto the gem around her neck.

"What are you doing?" I yelled. "Stop it! Leave him alone!"

I watched as Loki's eyes became an unnatural electric green again. His posture straightened and he looked more robotic than before.

"Stand." Ordered Hel. He did so immediately.

"No... Loki?" I asked, but he didn't react. He just stood like a soldier, waiting for Hel's orders.

"Your turn snowflake."    

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