Chapter 12

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I stood with Heimdall waiting for the rest of the team to join me.

"Can't you just send me through and then send the rest of them when they get here?" I asked impatiently. He shook his head.

"So impatient for someone who has so much time." He said.

"What do you mean so much time? I'm probably going to die soon thanks to Loki." Heimdall chuckled.

"Loki may be crazy but I don't believe he will kill you." He replied.

"Why do you think that?" I asked. He sighed.

"Hopefully you'll understand one day." He replied. What's with the riddles?

I continued to fidget impatiently. I heard galloping and I looked up to see Thor, Steve, Natasha and Clint black stallions.

"What took you so long? Where's the other?" I scolded.

"There not coming, its just us." Replied Steve. "So lets not waist anymore time."

We all lined up in front of the opening, and it let up with magnificent colours. Not wasting anytime, we jumped through. Like before, in was over in seconds and, like before, I landed on my butt. This time Steve helped me up, I gave him a polite smile and mumbled a thanks. I noticed we were had landed on the same stretch of road again but not on the same burn patch. We had created a whole new one.

I got the feeling Heimdall enjoyed it.

Two black S.H.E.I.L.D helicopters landed and without hesitation we scrambled inside and then we were off again. I sat beside Steve in the back seat and Thor rode shotgun, Coulson was flying it.

"Loki's got the Frost Giants rallying behind him and the Chitari could also join his Army." Thor informed Coulson. Coulson gave a nod to say he understood.

"Why can't people just stay dead?" He muttered as he speed along through the sky.

Several minutes later the intercom beep, causing Coulson to give the voice a password. I wondered whom he was talking to but as we got closer I could see the outline of a massive aircraft. I looked in awe; the thing was massive. The helicopter was like the size of a fly next to it. We exited the aircraft and made our way inside. We entered a circular room similar to the one I had been in before except this one had windows all around it so you could see the people walking past. I wondered if the carrier also had one of those big circular glass rooms that I was held in as well. My thoughts were interrupted as we entered, Nick Fury, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, already sat at the table.

"I'm surprised to see you're not dead." Said Nick, looking at me.

"I'm surprisingly hard to kill." I retorted.

"Yeah, well the day's not over yet." He mumbled. I raised an eyebrow at him as I sat down.

"Stark, Banner, this is Skadi. The one who helped Loki and caused all this mess." I rolled my eyes. Such a drama queen.

"So what's she doing here?" Asked Bruce.

"I'm going to kill him." I said. Stark snorted.

"What makes you think you could kill him when none of us did?" He jeered.

"You'll see." I said. And before Tony could make another remark Nick interrupted.

"Anyway, I heard you came up with some sort of plan?"

"We did?" I asked, looking at Steve. He nodded but Natasha explained.

"We thought we could use Skadi as I kind of bait to lure him away for long enough for us to stop and catch him."

"Okay, when did we decide this?" I asked. "And how do you think that it is going to work?"

"I'm with her on this one." Said Tony. "That's just nuts."

"You should have seen it. It was love at first sight." Mocked Natasha. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, well until you come up with a real plan." I said standing up. "I'm going to go find and kill Loki."

"Yeah, that sounds like love." Quipped Tony. I turned to walk out of the room but Thor stood in my way.

"You can't go anywhere, we need you for this plan whether you like it or not."

"Can't you see how stupid it is?" I argued. They all nodded.

"But it's the only plan we'vegot that might actually work." Said Steve. I nodded.

"Fine. But if I get the chance, I'm killing Loki." I said rather roughly. They all nodded in agreement.

"I still don't understand how you're going to kill him." Said Tony. I just flashed him a sweet smile.

"You'll see."    

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