Chapter 10

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I heard a splash and felt cold-water rush over me. Clawing away at the water, I scrambled to the surface for air. Loki tread water beside me and gave me a wicked smile. Wordlessly I swam to shore.

"What were you thinking?" I finally yelled at him as I wrung out my shirt. 'I swear to god if you make me jump off one more cliff a will kill you!" He laughed like my threat wasn't serious and shook the water out of his hair. "And why do we keep having to fall into portals?"

"Did you not find that enjoyable? The look on the Avengers stupid faces, the fact that I got away again must annoy them beyond anything." He smirked to himself. I stared in disbelief at him, the arrogance of the man, unbelievable.

"Why did you bring me with you this time?" I growled. He looked at me, confused.

"I thought this was our deal?" he questioned.

"No. Our deal was I would help you break into Asgard and then you would help me find my parents. So far, you haven't kept your side of the deal. And why do you even care? You think I'm just disposable baggage." I almost shouted. The bright sun was warming my ski but I only felt the cool of the ice running through my veins as anger began to build inside me.

"Why cant you just be thankful? I saved you from having to spend more time with those incompetent fools!"

"Thankful? For what? Dragging me back here and then off to somewhere else? You said you would help me find my parents. We had a deal!" Loki huffed and ran his fingers threw his hair.

"You actually wanted to stay with those...those fools?" He asked, his voice a lot quieter.

"I don't know." I confessed. "But I think if I was on their side, I would actually have someone who could help me find my parents, to go home. That's all I want, a place to feel needed." I admitted, more to myself than him.

Loki scoffed and rolled his eyes, like the whole idea was absurd.

"Well isn't that why you do all this?" I yelled. "To quench you're desire to feel needed? That's why you want to be king so badly. I mean, I know you say you crave power, but that's just the surface of it. Jealousy of Thor, and losing both parents, including Frigga, the feeling of being needed is all you want, isn't it?" I looked at his face, a moment of pain flickered behind his eyes. I knew I had hit a nerve, but I was too angry to be sorry.

His face hardened and he looked pissed.

"Don't be so naïve. I thought you understood, especially with your parents being dead too." As soon as the words came out, he looked like he instantly regretted them.

"Wait, what?" I said, unsure if my ears had deceived me. Loki stood silent for a moment, not making eye contact. "What did you just say?"

"I thought Thor would have told you..." He replied much more quietly. "As soon as you told me your name, I knew who they were. I knew what had happened to them" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"No, you're lying." I stammered. He shook his head.

"Thirty years ago, your mother and father were two of Odin's most trusted advisors. Then your parents got mixed up in something they shouldn't have. They were both accused of treason and sentenced to death." My breath hitched in my throat. Treason? Sentenced to death?

"They fled to earth, which is where they obviously left you for your own safety. They kept fleeing for several more years, but the Asgardian soldiers found them." His voice was almost a whisper at the last words. There was silence for a moment.

"You knew this whole time and you didn't tell me?" My voice broke as I tried to hold back the sobs. He nodded. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I didn't tell you because I needed someone to help me, I didn't care, or want to care, about them. Once I knew who you where the daughter of, I knew you wouldn't turn down a fight... My plan was to just leave you in Asgard after I had what I wanted. But that changed after I saw you fight."

He looked at me for a moment, examining my face, my expression. I tried to remain emotionless, but I couldn't stop the tears from filling my eyes. I was both furious and distraught.

"Skadi, I'm so sor-" began Loki.

"No." I yelled. "No way, I don't believe you, I don't want to believe you."

Loki took a step towards me but I stepped away and shook my head. I turned and ran towards the city.

However, this time I was not excited about it. Trying to explain myself to the team was going to be a nightmare. I cried as I stumbled through the forest, tripping, my knees scraped on the ground. Feeling pathetic and weak, I lay in the dirt and cried. My chest hurt, like someone had impaled me with a blade of ice. Except this time, I could feel the cold.

Through the tears I could see everything had been covered in frost and ice. The coolness was a comfort I embraced and relished in. That is how I remained for several minutes, until the sobs faded away and my eyes dried. The sound of the bifrost woke me from my daze, I watched as a bright light shot through the sky and disappeared again. Deciding I wallowed in my own self-pity for long enough, I stood up and brushed the dirt and tears of myself, before continuing on my trek towards the city.

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