Chapter 16

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My eyelids fluttered open, and I was blinded by the sterile white room. Fog sat heavily on my brain, causing me to lie still for a few minutes before I could sit up. Every inch of my body ached and from what I could see, my arms were covered in cuts and bruises.

I assessed the room, the medical equipment beside me beeped rhythmically, and several pieces of the equipment displayed a S.H.I.E.L.D logo.

S.H.I.E.L.D.? What the hell? Where am I?

My thoughts were interrupted as the door clicked open. A lady with fiery red hair strolled in. "Look who decided to return to the land of the living?" She smiled. I gave a small smile in return, unsure of what to say.

"How do you feel?"

"Um, fine." I mumbled out. She must have noticed my confused expression as she began looking at me quizzically.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I don't mean to sound rude, but who are you?" Her eyes widened slightly. Without a word, she spun on her heel and disappeared out of the room.

Okay, that was kinda weird.

Within moments she had returned with several other people, a man in an expensive looking suit, a blonde man with a red cape, and a man wearing what I believed to be spandex. I recognized two of the men. The infamous Captain America, and Thor, the god of thunder and lightning. The other two I didn't know.

"She doesn't remember a thing?" Asked Captain America. The red headed lady shook her head. The group stood there, staring at me like i was disease ridden.

"Does someone mind telling me what's going on?" I snapped.

"Skadi, what's the last thing you remember?" Asked the man in the suit. Agent Coulson read his badge.

"How do you know my name? Where am I? And why do I look like I've been in a war?" I asked, gesturing to my arms. Coulson sighed.

"Just tell us what's the last thing you remember?" His demeanor appeared trustworthy and I didn't have the energy to argue more. I hesitated for a moment and then closed my eyes. Concentrating hard, I felt my most recent memory flash across my mind.

"Um, I was stealing - I mean, borrowing a car." I replied. "And I was going to drive to the next city along and, um. I can't remember what happened next, sorry." The group all looked slightly unsure of what to do.

"Skadi," began Thor. "Do you know who I am?"

I nodded. "You're Thor," his face brightened for a moment. "You fought with the Avengers in the New York invasion." His face fell. "You were fighting your psychotic brother Loki to stop him from destroying earth." The Captain chuckled.

"Okay, why is that funny?" The group all shared a look. "What is it?"

"Maybe Loki could help." Said the captain more to the group than me.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"You know, something familiar to help trigger her memory." They all nodded and mumbled in agreement.

"Woah, hold up. You want me to see someone who killed hundreds of people, to help trigger my memory? How is that going to help?" I almost yelled. "What's happened and what aren't you telling me?" The group stood silent for a moment.

"Skadi, you've lost your memory." Said Coulson. "From what we can tell it's only about a week that's gone." I felt so confused.

"What the hell did I do in a week?" I asked, my voice rising. The Captain smirked.

"You'd be surprised." He muttered. I glared at him.

"So, your saying that in a week I met the psychotic god Loki, fought in some sort of war and lost my memory?" They all nodded in unison. "Are you sure?" Synchronized nods seemed to be my only reply.

"I don't think taking her to Loki would be a bad idea." Said the red headed lady.

"I agree with Romanoff, it could help." Added the captain. Coulson nodded.

"Alright, do you think you can walk?" He asked me. I hesitated for moment before curiosity got the better of me. I finally nodded and slowly got out of the bed, pulling off all the medical equipment as I did so.

The grey socks and pajamas made me look very out of place until Agent Romanoff pulled a jacket and a pair of combat boots from a small chest of drawers. Once dressed we entered the brightly lit maze of hallways. I tried to remember which way we had come but everything looked the same.

Within minutes we came to a stop in front of a heavy looking door that was locked by some sort of keypad. Coulson swiped his card and with a hiss, the door slid open to reveal a circular glass room inside. With his back turned to us, sat a hunched over, dark haired man.

"Have you finally come to swing the axe?" He asked. His voice rang clear with defeat.

"Remember anything yet?" Rogers asked quietly, I shook my head. Loki must have heard us because he turned to look at us slightly confused and then his expression went blank. I stared into his eyes, and even from across the room, the green colour was piercingly clearly.

"Skadi?" He whispered, before standing up and approaching us.

Thor gave me a gentle nudge towards Loki. Taking the hint I walked around to where the door to the glass cage sat. Loki followed me on the other side of the glass. I glanced at the group and Thor gave me a small nod of reassurance. Turning back to Loki I studied his face, his eyes were red and sunken, and his cheeks were hollow like he hadn't eaten for days. He looked like he had been through as much hell as I had, but yet relief was the expression he wore.

"I thought you had died." He breathed. I didn't say anything. I didn't do anything. I just stood. "Skadi, are you alright? Say something?"

"I - um." I started but thankfully Rogers saved me.

"You don't remember, do you?" I shook my head and Loki's face fell.

"Remember?" He asked. I took a step away from the cage. Loki's gaze flicked from me to the group, waiting for someone to explain.

"She's lost her memory. She doesn't know who you are anymore." Said Coulson. A bit harsh, I thought, but it was better than leading him on, I guess. I watched his face grow confused.

"No, this is some sort of trick isn't it?" He said, his voice growing panicked. I slowly shook my head.

"I don't know who you are." I said quietly. Pain was clear in his expression, but only for a second, before it went completely blank. I remained completely still, I felt guilty and I couldn't even tell why.

Loki turned away from me and took several slow steps towards the center of the room. I watched his figure tense and his fist curl into a ball. Suddenly, the glass room began to shake, causing me to grab the railing for support.

"Skadi, get away from there!" I heard Coulson yell as the whole container began to break away. I turned to scramble away but I my footing disappeared without warning and I was sucked down through the gaping hole that had been created from the falling cage.

Screaming at the top of my lungs I watched the aircraft get smaller and smaller as I fell further and further away. Tumbling through the sky, I could see the glass container falling below me, approaching the ground at a terrifying speed. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.    

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