Chapter 28

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A small tapping sound from the door startled me awake. Wiping the drool off my cheek, I wandered over to the door with my eyes still half closed. A creak echoed into the room as the door opened. To my surprise, there was no one there, except a small piece of paper stuck to the door.

          Meet me in the library in half an hour.


Taking a minute for my brain to actually process what I was reading, I stood confused.

What could he possibly want?

I contemplated going back to bed and ignoring the note, but curiosity got the better of me. I entered the halls and began walking even though I have no idea where the library is. The old castle was massive and in almost every hall was someone walking briskly from one place to another. Most looked like army leaders and officials and ignored my existence most of the time. So I wandered like a ghost through the cold hallway.

Moments later a crash echoed out of one of the rooms and into the hallway. A small looking guard jumped at the noise and took off in the other direction.

"No!" I heard some yell. Quickly investigating, I snuck to the slightly ajar door and peaked inside. My mother stood, fuming at three anxious looking officials. "This has to go exactly to plan. We have one shot at getting into Asgard and we can not risk anything going wrong."

"Yes, we understand, but what about after Asgard. What about the rest of the realms?" asked the tallest of the officials.

"What about them?" Growled my mother.

"What are we going to do to them?"

"Those that will join us, may do so. And those who are against us," she paused for a moment, a sickening smile growing on her lips. "Those we lay waste too."

"Most will not comply."

"I am aware of this. But with Skadi, we will be able to control more than any of us can comprehend. She is born from both fire and ice, making her body and soul a stronger bridge of magic than she will ever know. And as long as she is by my side, I can stop her soul from traveling into the underworld."

My breath hitched in my throat.

"Do you really think she will work with you once she knows the whole plan?" sneered one of the other officials.

"Oh she won't have a choice. And just to prove how 'committed' to the plan she will be, I'm going to let her kill all her little Avenger friends." She smiled maliciously again as her finger traced the rim of the gem on her necklace.

I couldn't listen to it anymore. I stumbled away from the door with tears welling in my eyes.

How could I be so stupid? What was I even thinking? The Avengers, Thor, I need to warn them.

Without even realizing where I was going I stumbled into library, slamming the door shut behind me.

"I didn't think you were coming." A voice broke through the quiet. My head snapped to see Loki sitting on one of the couches in front of the fireplace.

"Loki, you scared me." I said, straightening myself up and wiping any stray tears on my face away. "Why did you want to see me?"

I stood un and began wandering around the library, half paying attention to what he was saying and quickly reading the titles of the books. The one that could teach me how to communicate through dreams could be here.

"I wanted to see if you were feeling better?"

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling good." I mumbled back half heartedly, still paying attention to the books.

"I'm glad." He said.

I just hummed an agreeing sound, completely ignoring him. I must have looked frantic, pulling books of the shelves and throwing them on the ground when they weren't the one. Normally I wouldn't treat books like this, but I was desperate and running with little time. Before I knew it, two strong hands pulled me away from the shelf and spun me around. I stood face to face with Loki.

"Skadi, have you heard a single thing I've said?" He asked calmly.

"Look, Loki. I would love to have a nice little chat with a cup of tea and biscuits but I'm trying to mend a massive mistake I've made, so maybe later." I said hurriedly.

"Well, tell me what it is. Maybe I can help?" He offered.

"No, It's strictly confidential." I lied, struggling against his grip. But he wasn't letting go. "Loki." I cried as I managed to push him backwards, causing him to stumble into a small side table and knock a pile of books on the floor.

Completely ignoring the fact that I had possibly slightly injured Loki, something on the coffee table had caught my eye.

The book!

Dashing to the book that lay open on the floor, I quickly scooped it up and turned away from Loki.

"You shouldn't be looking at that." Said my mother's voice. I quickly scanned the room, but the only other person I saw was Loki.

"Put the book down Skadi." He said again, but out came my mother's voice. He even stood different. His posture was more like her. His scowl matched hers completely.

"Okay, what the hell is happening?" I exclaimed.

Loki took a step towards me, arm outstretched towards the book. With out a second thought, I swung out out my arm in self defence and shot a blast of ice and magic at him, sending him flying into the two closed doors. I could hear yelling and loud footsteps approaching the doors outside.

Using all my strength, I sent ice creeping up the doors. I pushed Loki against it and surrounded him with the ice, restraining him from any movement other than his head. His eyes remained closed, indicating his loss of consciousness. But I wasn't taking any risks.

The wall continued to grow as I kneeled on the ground. Using one hand the power the ice and the other flicked through the aged and yellow pages of the book.

In seconds I found the spell I needed. Quickly reading over the instructions, I calmed myself and thought of the one person who I knew would listen. Who I prayed would listen.


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