Chapter 3

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Putting the car in park, I looked at the crappy hotel. I went and paid for a room and then woke up Loki so he could come inside. Sitting him down on the bed, I turned on the TV and he seemed surprisingly unfazed by the TV. But I guess it wasn't his first time on earth.

It was the middle of the day but yet every channel was interrupted by a breaking news story.

"It was discovered early this morning that one of the gods above has returned to earth," said the news reporter. Behind him, the screen showed the patterned circle that was burned into the road. I glanced at Loki who seemed unfazed.

"S.H.I.E.L.D," continued the reporter,"Has yet to determine which god it is, as Thor is nowhere to be found and until we know, all we can do is hope this isn't a repeat of the 2012 New York Attack."

Loki scoffed. "It will be nothing like the 2012 New York Attack, this time I will win." He muttered in a low voice. I smirked.

"Sure you will."

He sent a death glare at me and then turned back to the TV that was now displaying the weather while the network waited for more information. I went and crouched beside Loki.

"Do you want me to change the bandages?" He looked at more for a second before nodding and letting me help him.

"So what's your master plan anyway?" I asked, unravelling the dirty bandage from his shoulder.

"Do you ever stop talking?" He growled.

"No, do you ever stop pouting?" I asked putting on my baby voice. He ignored me, continuing to pout and so I flicked one of his stitches.

"Ow! How dare you?" He exclaimed.

"Oh what are you going to do about it? Pout?" I teased. He glared for a second and then he did something unexpected. He gave a little smile.

"Oh my god, he does smile!" I exclaimed with sarcasm. He immediately stopped smiling and raised an eyebrow at me. I raised one back and he smiled his beautiful smile again. Beautiful smile? Really?

I finished changing the bandage and began packing away the first aid kit.

"So, tell me. What's this master plan?"

He sighed. "I actually had it all sorted out but without Frost giants it changes everything." I waited for him to continue but nodded to show him I was still listening.

"I need to take Asgard from the inside, but everytime I get close to the Casket of Ancient Winters Thor comes waltzing in like he owns the place and gets in my way." He was about to continue before I interrupted him.

"Casket of what?"

"Ancient Winters, it's precious to the Frost Giants." He explained. I nodded and he continued. "But I got in there once before with Frost Giants, so I know I can do it again." He looked determined.

I sat beside him, thinking over what he had just said. Obviously he knew how to travel between worlds, something I desperately wanted to do.

A plan began to form in my mind. "As nuts as that sounds, get me to Asgard, and I'll help you get this casket thing." I promised.


"It's mortal for crazy, but do we have a deal?" I asked.

"I thought we already did?" He replied.

"We did, but I'm not sure how much a trust you."

He nodded. "I can understand that. Why do you want to get to Asgard?"

I was about to reply when the TV flashed red."Breaking News," exclaimed the same reporter as before. He was yelling something to the camera that couldn't be heard over the sound of thunder and lightning exploding in that sky.

In seconds a beam of light shot down in the same spot that was already burned. A shadow moved down the column of light and again, as soon as it hit the ground the light column disappeared, causing the clouds to disperse.

And there stood Thor, looking as angry as ever. He stood for a moment before getting his bearings and flying off in an unknown direction. The news reporter was having a freak out at what he had just seen. But Loki was definitely not happy about this. I looked at him; he looked almost frozen with fear.

"Maybe we should start this plan of yours as fast as we possibly can because he doesn't look like he is going to stop until he finds you." I said, still looking at the TV. I could feel panic rising up in me, I was scared, and Thor wasn't even after me. Loki stood up and headed towards the door.

"Let's get moving." He announced. "How far can that machine of yours go?"

"As far as I need it to, but I would like to know where we're going?" I replied. He didn't answer me; instead, he walked out the door and headed to the car. I huffed, grabbing my bag and running after him.

Starting the car, I pulled out onto the road and started driving.

"Now can you tell me where we're going?" I asked getting agitated.

"There's a portal in somewhere not too far from here, it might be able to get us to Asgard." He explained, but I was still confused.

"How exactly do you know where this portal is?"

"Well I don't really know exactly where it is. I can just feel it." He said unconvincingly.

"You what? Your making me drive to some freaking mountains when Thor could be after us to rip our heads off over some feeling?" I yelled. I could feel ice curling around the steering wheel but I couldn't stop it.

Loki saw it, and I could see his eyes widen.

"Skadi, calm down. It's not like I'm following nothing. It's an ancient technique I taught myself, I can assure you it has worked more often than not." He tried to reassure me but I was still unconvinced. However, I did calm down enough to not turn the car into a giant ice block.

A feeling? That's not something I would trust.

"So does Thor know this ancient technique?"

"I don't know, he has learnt a lot from Odin, and the other Elders, I pray he hasn't learnt this yet. But we can only hope." He said, his voice low. My hands tightened around the steering wheel and I breathed deeply.

It's no big deal; we could only have our heads smashed in by Thor.

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