Chapter 7

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Soft chatter crept into my ears as I slowly came to. My head felt heavy and my body ached as I opened my eyes. The red cape of Thor from stood out compared to the two with two other people around him. They all looked deep in conversation and didn't notice my stirring.

The room was circular and glass. Outside, the group stood behind a railing near a control panel. I could tell that I wasn't in a good position in here.

I winced as I sat up; I pulled up my shirt and saw a massive bruise forming on my ribs. The lady dressed in black with red hair noticed and signaled to the others. They all approached the glass and stood arms crossed, with an annoyed expression plastered on their faces. I stood up but didn't say a word, waiting for one of them to speak first.

"Hello Emily." Said one of the men. "My name is Agent Coulson, and we just want to ask you a few questions." I remained silent, unsure of how I felt about it. At least they didn't know my real name, although I'm not sure how much of a difference that would make now.

"Where is Loki?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

"I don't know." I replied, shrugging my shoulders and putting my hands in the pockets of Loki's jacket, which I had completely forgot I was wearing.

"Look, Emily. It's been a rather long day so I would really appreciate it if you would just cooperate. However, if you don't tell us where Loki is, I'm sure Agent Romanoff with gladly help us persuade you." He nodded towards the lady with the short red hair. The corner of her mouth twitched to flash a smirk and then returned to a glare. She was utterly intimidating.

"I don't know where Loki is." I replied calmly, looking directly at Agent Coulson. He sighed.

"I'm sorry, we don't have time for your lies." He replied with the same amount of calmness in his voice. He strolled over to the control panel and pressed a button. The door hissed open and in stepped Agent Romanoff with a smirk on her face. My eyes widened, I definitely should not have underestimated his threat.

I took several steps backwards.

"So please, tell us where Loki is."

"I- I don't know" I stammered. Smack. Caught completely unaware, the agent's foot made contact with my already bruised ribs. I doubled over, winded. I slowly got back to my feet and glared at her.

"I don't know where he is." Whack. Her fist hit my jaw and sent me stumbling. "This is inhumane." I growled. "You can't torture me!"

"But are you human?" he asked.

"Yes!" Whack. I tasted blood in my mouth as my lip started throbbing. "Okay, I'm not human." I raised my hands in defeat. "My names Skadi, my parents are Asgardian. Please stop." I begged, getting to my feet and regaining my balance. Coulson turned to Thor.

" Are you happy now?" He asked. Thor nodded.

"I don't agree with your methods but now I know, feel free to do what you wish. But we need her to find Loki." He said. I looked confused. He knew? He knew about me? Thor turned to walk away and I scrambled to the door.

"Wait, you know? You know who I am? You know who my parents are?" I asked breathlessly. Thor turned back and faced me from the other side of the glass. I looked into his eyes. "Do you know who they are?" I asked again. Romanoff and Coulson looked at the two of us, becoming even more intrigued.

"I'll tell you were Loki is. In fact, I'll help you stop him." I decided. "If you take me to see my parents." He looked like he was contemplating all his options before he shook his head.


"What, why not?" I asked. Ignoring me he turned away from the glass and looked at Coulson.

"Do whatever you need to do to get the information we need." He said before walking away. I started banging my fists on the glass and yelling after Thor.

"You'll never find him without me. It will be too late even if you do! You need my help." I continued to yell even after the door had shut behind him. I slumped to the floor again. The door on the other side of the cage opened, letting Agent Romanoff out.

I hardly noticed as the two left through the same door as the blonde god, muttering something unrecognizable between themselves. I felt defeated. I didn't have anyway of getting out of this stupid cage and my only leverage had been ripped away from me.

What the hell am I going to do now?

It wasn't more than several minutes later when Thor came walking back in. He looked slightly defeated. I quickly stood up as Coulson and Romanoff walked back in behind him.

"If you tell us and help us find Loki, you have my word that I will let you meet your parents." He said reluctantly. I couldn't help but give a smile. I would have preferred to have been with Loki, but sometimes you just have to take what you can get.

"Thank you." I said sincerely. "So does that mean I can come out now?" Coulson looked a little reluctant but opened the door.

"Don't try anything stupid or things won't end well." Warned Thor as his grip tightened around his hammer. I nodded and put my hands up as a sign of surrender.

Following them through the maze of hallways, we finally entered a room with a circular table with a S.H.E.I.L.D. symbol engraved in black. At the table sat Nick Fury, Captain America and Hawkeye. I gave a small, awkward smile and quickly sat down beside Thor. I avoided eye contact with everyone and looked down at my hands.

I heard Nick sigh and stand up. "Okay, as you all know. We have another world wide situation." He started, sending me a death stare, which was exceptionally intimidating even with one eye. "So we have a new plan. We are going to send a team to Asgard and stop Loki from destroying the planet again." I watched everyone nod in agreement at the plan. Nick continued.

"Thor you'll be in charge considering he knows the other worlds. Rogers, Barton, Romanoff, you'll make sure Loki is stopped and bring him back to Earth where we can deal with himproperly. Skadi is going to go with you and help you get him. Whether she makes it back to earth or not, I don't care." He announced. I made at face at his last remark. I wasn't all to keen on being the dispensable team member.

"Why is she coming?" asked Rogers, not covering up his obvious loathing for me.

"She knows where Loki is and his plans, she could be an asset to the team. But feel free to kill her if she does anything that could compromise the mission." He concluded before walking out of the room.

Everyone turned to look at me with an expression of disgust on their faces. I raised an eyebrow, trying to make it look like I wasn't absolutelyterrified. Looking slightly pissed off everyone stood up and walked out of theroom. Thor turned and looked back at me.

"Well, come on then." He said and I quickly followed after him.

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