Chapter 22

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"He stole what?" Steve and I practically yelled.

Thor sighed and repeated himself. "He stole the green infinity stone. The soul stone. It can manipulate the dead and control or alter weak souls." He explained again. I didn't say anything for a moment. I was still trying to process the fact that something like that actually existed.

"Wha – um – how?" I stuttered out.

"I didn't even know Loki knew that it was here." Muttered Thor. "Let alone want to retrieve something like that. Especially after what the tesseract did."

"So what does this mean? Does he have enough power to use something like that?" Asked Steve.

Thor shrugged. "I don't even know what he would do with something like the Soul Stone. He doesn't have anyone he could use it on."

"So you think he got it for someone?" I asked. Thor and Steve both faced me, like they hadn't even thought about that until now. "Do you think Loki would work for someone?"

Thor thought about it for a moment. "Only if it was part of a deal, or he didn't have a choice." He finally replied.

"Do you know anyone specifically who would enough reason and power to wield a stone like that?" Asked Steve, as his brow furrowed.

Thor hesitated for a moment. "There was one person who I knew that could easily use it, but their long dead." He threw a quick glance at me, like he was making sure I wasn't upset by the news. I was about to ask what that meant but he stopped me. "Well, let's get you back to earth, if anything happens, you'll be needed there most." He concluded before ordering several guards to escort us back to the bifrost.

We walked with a consistent speed over the rainbow bridge. None of us spoke; I don't think anyone had anything to say. Except me. I felt like I had a million questions running through my head.

Like, who the hell is Loki working with? And why didn't Thor tell us who he thought it was?

These thoughts swam around my head as we approached the golden gate. We thanked Hiemdall before he opened the magnificent rainbow portal once again. Stepping into the void was a rush and in seconds it was over, and our feet connected with earth once more. We had landed atop a building in the city, judging by the eagle symbol painted on the helicopter beside us, S.H.I.E.L.D owned the place. Before I could even take a good look at the sun rising over the horizon, we were surrounded by thirty, or so S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Their guns raised and precaution obvious in their step.

"Stand down." I heard someone yell. I turned to see Agent Coulson, followed by Agent Barton.

"Nice of you to show up." Said Barton.

"Thanks for such a warm welcome" I retorted before turning to Coulson. "You're not going to believe it but we have a big problem."

He didn't even flinch, he just sighed and turned around. We followed him inside, to a meeting room with a round table. There was only one other person in the room; Steve was the first to speak.

"Fury, we believe the world is under threat. Again." He informed him, sounding like a soldier would. Like Coulson, Nick didn't even flinch. But I guess this must not have been a rare thing to hear working as a top agent. He sat down at the table, looking tired and a little bit sick of everything.

"Coulson, call the rest of the team in here. I want them to hear this." He ordered, before Coulson gave a swift nod and left the room. We sat in silence for no more than two minutes before he returned with what I believed was 'the team'. He was followed by Agent Romanoff; a man who I didn't recognized who was dressed in smart casual wear, and another man who was wearing an AC/DC t-shirt.

"Take a seat." Nick ordered more than offered. All of them sat down, except Steve. He remained like a statue. "Rogers?" asked Nick, waiting for him to begin explaining what was going on.

Steve hesitated for a moment. Studying the faces of everyone in the room, he paused on mine for a moment longer. He looked desperate for someone else to take over; I stayed quite until I remembered that he would have to lie.

And he hated lying.

"Loki stole one of the infinity stones from the Asgardian volt." I quickly saved him. Everybody's head snapped to me, like I had just let off a gunshot.

"Infinity stone?" Asked the man with the AC/DC shirt.

"The soul stone to be more specific. Thor said he didn't believe Loki would be strong enough to wield it but he thinks he might have been retrieving it for someone." My voice grew quite as I realized what I was saying.

"Who does Thor believe can weild it?" Asked Romanoff.

"He didn't say." Steve Finally spoke. "But he looked very worried."

"How did Loki even get back into Asgard?" Asked Nick. I saw Steve shift uncomfortably.

"We don't know." I quickly said. "When we went through the portal, he made sure I was okay before he left me. He wandered into the forest before Steve got there, and I didn't see him after that." I lied. They seemed satisfied with my answer, quickly diverting their attention away from me. We sat in silence for a moment, the full weight of the problem finally bearing down on us. "So what happens now?"

"Until Thor returns or Loki does something stupid, there isn't much we can do. Until then, everyone get some rest. If it's bad, you'll need all the strength you can muster." Declared Nick, before he left the room without a second glance. The rest of the team slowly followed, until it was just Steve and I.

"Do you need me to show you where to go?" He asked. I nodded and quickly followed him out the door. We walked in silence for several minutes before we came to a stop at the door. I got the feeling that Steve wanted to say something so I waited for a moment.

"Look Skadi." He began, as he scratched the light stubble that had begun growing on his chin. "I just wanted to say... about the kiss... we don't... if you..." He stammered, clearly uncomfortable.

"Steve, calm down. We've been through a lot. I don't mind if you just want to forget about it." I said looking into his tired blue eyes.

"Um okay, thanks." He mumbled, before quicklywalking away. The look on his face was stuck in my mind as I wandered into theroom and sat down on the bed. He looked completely worn out, and a little bitupset. The image swam through my mind and into my dreams as I lay down tosleep.    

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