Chapter 19

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"So let me get this straight. We're going to act like we're lost and confused so we can all get into Asgard, through a rainbow bridge called the bifrost, then we're going to help you steal a ship to get out of Asgard so Thor doesn't kill you?" I asked. We had all sat down around the fire, and were ironing out the details of Loki's crazy plan.

"Essentially yes." Agreed Loki.

"I think I'm already lost and confused." I mumbled to myself.

"Wait, why are you coming to Asgard? Why don't you just get as fair away as possible?" Asked Steve.

"I have something I need to do that doesn't concern you. It won't affect the plan but it means that you will have to get away from Thor his mindless followers for a little while." He said rather gruffly. If I didn't know any better, it almost sounded like he was jealous.

"Hang on, can't Hiemdall see us? Won't he just send someone to get us as soon as possible?" I asked, and for some reason Loki found it funny.

"Hiemdall can't see you." He said as if he was stating the obvious. "You don't even know your doing it, do you?" Steve and I shared a look of confusion. Loki chuckled to himself. "The first time I met you, I told you that Hiemdall couldn't see me because I was creating a sort of barrier between me and his sight. You're doing the exact same thing and you don't even know it."

"What?" Blurted Steve and I simultaneously. "I'm creating a barrier without even knowing it, and Hiemdall can't see either of us?" Loki nodded. "Can I turn it off?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"If you learn how to control it you can."

"How is she doing it in the first place?" asked Steve.

"Skadi is more powerful than you think. Deep down, she mustn't want to be found so her body is unknowingly protecting her and you also seem to be under that barrier as well." He explained to Steve, who nodded and looked at me. I think he was slightly impressed.

"Oh. Well that's actually pretty cool." I confessed. "But won't Hiemdall get suspicious when we turn up at the Bifrost gate and the whole time he couldn't see us?"

Loki shook his head. "Hiemdall is a smart man, he will hopefully know what's going on."

"Okay, I understand the plan and why we haven't been found yet." Divulged Steve. "But what's going to happen with you? Hiemdall won't let you into Asgard as Loki and he probably won't let you into Asgard as a commoner, so who are you going to be?"

"Thor made a decree that every realm that is being rebuilt after the wars should have Asgardian protection until it can defend itself. The little village down there will be nowhere near being able to protect itself. I'll jut disguise myself as a guard and pretend that I'm escorting you to the almighty Thor."

"I feel like it is too easy for you to sneak into Asgard." I hinted, waiting for an explanation.

Loki just raised an eyebrow. "It's only because my dear brother makes it too easy."

"Even though I gave my word to convince Thor to leave you alone, I'm still going to tell him how easy it is to break into Asgard." I said to him. He didn't reply but simply nodded. We all sat in silence. Watching the fire shrink, until it was nothing more than a few warm embers and we were all asleep.

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