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I laughed when Destiny started making random noises with her mouth. She seemed amazed that the sounds were coming from her, her widened eyes told me so.

"Destiny you are so silly you know that? Huh? Do you know that?" I asked her in my baby voice.

"Don't you get tired of talking like that?" Roc asked me as he entered the bathroom.

"Nope. Never." I said in my normal voice. "Gosh Roc I just can't help it! She is so cute!"

I leaned in the tub and kissed her little chubby cheek. Roc came and sat beside me and we watched her suck on her rubber duck.

"She is cute isn't she?" He asked.


He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned against his chest.

"We make beautiful babies." He said.

I smiled and continued carefully rinsing the soap from her hair.

"Roc grab that towel off the sink please."

He did so and wrapped Destiny up in it.

"Awww she looks so cute!" I cooned.

"Oh god Rain speak normal."

I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back.

"Will you help me get her dressed?" I asked him.


We worked together to get her in her pajamas and after she was asleep in her crib we shut out the light and closed the door.

"How was your day?" I asked him as he grabbed fresh clothes from the dresser.

"Good. How was yours?"

"Fun. Destiny has been making me laugh all day. She does the silliest little things."

Just thinking back to when her eyes almost popped out of her head when she started making noises I giggled a little.

"Glad you two had fun. Alright I'm ganna take a shower now."

I surprised him by hopping out of bed and hugging him from behind.

"Can I join you?"

He turned and looked into my eyes before biting his lip. "Yes please."

After our shower we layed close together, facing eachother.

"Sooo it's almost your birthday." He said.

"Yupp. Next week."

"You wanna go to a bar?"

I gulped. The very thought of Roc and alcohol sent chills down my spine.

"I have to think about that. I don't think I wanna do anything at all. Who would watch Des?"

"My mom offered to."

"Oh. Well I don't think I wanna drink. I know I'll be 'of age' and stuff, but alcohol just isn't attractive."

"Trust me, once you try it you will disagree."

I froze and gulped again. "Oh. ok. Well I'll think about it."

He pulled me close and shut his eyes. "Ok. Think about it."

He fell asleep quickly, but it took me much longer. As he held me in his arms flashes of the monster alcohol made him kept running through my mind. At one point the fear became so real that I moved his arms from around me and turned so that my back was to him. I didn't wanna ever see Roc like that EVER again. If that meant I would never get to try drinking then oh well. I would stay alcohol free. Forever.

Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to "Bully Me No More")Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz