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Rain quietly made rice, quietly seasoned and fried chicken, quietly made up our plates, and quietly ate. Honestly all the silence didn't bother me, I enjoyed it, it made me feel calm and allowed me to think. As I watched Rain chew her food as if she were in pain I thought about how much I loved her, how much I wished I could take away all the hurt and guilt that she felt.

Tomorrow she still would wake up knowing that she lost her first child, the day after that she'd still know, and the day after that, and 30 days after that day. Nothing that I did would let me forget either, I would always know that I too lost a son, and I found ways to blame myself because I refused to blame Rain.

"I don't feel good." She said, breaking the silence.

"What's the matter?"

"I just feel dizzy, not nauseous, just dizzy."

"C'mon." I said, standing up. "Lets get you in bed."

"No no, I need to clean up first."

"Baby don't worry, I'll clean up ok?"

I could tell she wanted to object, but then she almost lost balance. "Ok."

I carried her with ease up the stairs despite the extra weight caused by her stomach. I got her in bed and under the covers before rushing downstairs to call the doctor and clean the kitched.

"Hi is Dr.Meyers there, um my wife is 6 months pregnants and she said she feels dizzy."


"No, she said she it's not nausea and she isn't gagging, she's unbalanced and her skin feels warm."

"Alright well Dr.Meyers isn't here and we're closing soon. Watch her closely, it could be stress related and if she gets warmer or gets more dizzy bring her to the hospital, try to calm her."

"Ok thanks."

I hung up the house phone and ran back up to Rain, cleaning was ganna have to wait till tommorow.

"Rain." I layed with her. "Doctor Meyers is gone and the office is closing. They said that it could be stress."

"Oh no." She groaned.

"Shhh." I kissed her forehead. "It's ganna be ok, everything is ganna be fine." I said in a calm voice.

I rubbed her stomach and smiled at her, already seeing her breathing get closer to regular pace.

"How can I calm you?" I asked.

"Um...I don't know." She laughed.

"C'mon, there has to be something. When do you feel happy?"

She blushed and looked away from me.

"Oh." I smirked.

"Oh shut up." She told me.

I laughed and she frowned.

"How about we go to sleep?" I suggested.

"Ok." She shrugged.

I got up to turn out the light and pulled off my shirt.

"Can you turn off the tv too?" She asked.


I used the remote to turn off the tv and Rain turned away from me.

"Raaaiiin." I whined. "I need my goodnight kiss."

She turned around hesitantly and I leaned close to her, when I kissed her I felt my cheek get wet.

"Baby are you crying?"

I turned back on the tv and the light hit Rain's face, showing me her tears.

"No no no." I mumbled. "Don't be sad."

"Roc. I lost your son."

"Shh. Don't think about that."

"How can I not?"

"Just don't. For the sake of this baby inside you."

Her tears came faster and harder and I thought back to just a few minutes ago when I asked her what made her happy and she blushed. I needed her happy again, and I needed the stress to go away, I needed the baby safe.

I wiped away as many tears as I could off her face before crashing my lips to hers.

"I love you." I whispered. "I love you so much."

"How can you love a killer?" She whispered back.

I softly bit her bottom lip. "How about you don't talk."

We worked together to get her shirt off and in seconds we were both undressed.

"How can you love me?" She asked.

I frowned. "I told you not to talk."

It took her a while before she let go of her stress and sadness and lived in the moment I worked so hard to create. She moaned softly and I couldn't help but feel proud of myself, at least I got her mind on something else.

"Roc." She whispered.

I felt like she was ganna say something else bad so I kissed her, not giving her the chance.

Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to "Bully Me No More")Where stories live. Discover now