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After I took my first look at our beautiful baby girl I looked back up at Rain and her eyes shut. Doctor's and nurses pushed me back when a bunch of machines beeped and buzzed.

"What's wrong!?" I asked. "What's wrong with her!?"

No one was answering and I kept looking at Rain hoping her eyes would open again. The machines seemed to get louder and more doctors with scrubs and gloves rushed in.

"Someone please tell me what is wrong!" I shouted.

Dr.Meyers walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders.

"Roc I know you're scared ok. But we need to be alone in here, please go in the waiting room."

"What? My baby where is she!? Is she ok!?"

"Yes. Your baby is a hundred percent healthy. Ok, but your wife might not be and I need you to go so I can help her."

I nodded and was shoved out by more doctor's. I yanked off my cap, gloves, and scrubs, throwing it all away. I found my mom and Angie in the waiting room along with Ray, Prod, and Prince. They all stood up and Angie ran over to me when she saw my tears.

"Roc is the baby ok!?"

I nodded.

"Then what is it? Is it Rain? Is she ok?

I shook my head.

Tears automatically built up in her eyes and I realized maybe there was someone who loved Rain almost the amount that I did. Angie.

She bit her lip. "Roc is she dead?"

I shook my head. "I-I don't know! I got kicked out."

She nodded and ran out of the hospital.

"Stay. I got it." Prod told me before running after her.

I sat down and everyone moved their chairs closer to me.

"Son what happened?" My mom asked.

I stared down at the ground. My tears felt like they were trails of fire rolling down my face.

"I don't know. Everything was fine and then everything was wrong. A nurse took the baby and held her up so Rain could see, but Rain's eyes closed. They just closed. And then all these lights started blinking and the machines were making noises! Then they fu**ing kicked me out!" I yelled.

"Shh." Prince said. "I don't think you wanna get kicked out of the building next.

Prod came back alone.

"Angie's outside having a break down. She won't listen. I feel like she's about to go jump in front of a moving car!

My mom jumped to her feet. "I got it!"

She rushed outside to help Angie regain her sanity and I let my head fall in my hands.

"It's a punishment." I mumbled.

"Huh?" Ray asked.

"It's a god damn punishment. I hurt Rain for years and now god is ganna let me be a dad like I always wanted, but he's ganna take Rain away from me. So I can spend the rest of my life feeling horrible like I made Rain feel."

Ray shook his head. "No man. You're wrong. You're a better person than any of us, you'd be the last one god punishes."

I gritted my teeth and looked at him.

"So Ray. Can you promise me Rain won't die?"

He stayed silent.

"Exactly." I spat.

"Well...no matter what happens we're ganna be here for you." Prince told me.

I jus nodded, not feeling at all comforted by that piece of information. Rain was my everything...without her I would have nothing. And god would love that wouldn't he? To sentence me to eternal misery. And the baby would be a perminent reminder. Whenever I looked at her I would see Rain and my heart would break. That's what he wanted right?

Rain. Please baby! Don't leave me! Please!

More tears poured from my eyes and I was already feeling a headache forming due to all my crying, yelling, and stressing. Just why!? Why me!? I kept asking that question...as if I didn't know the answer.

Hurt Me No Longer (Sequel to "Bully Me No More")Where stories live. Discover now