I finally made it to my locker steaming as the late bell rung. Opening it I throw my books in not really caring how they landed. My math book, however, missed and landed on to the ground spilling most of condense out onto the surrounding floor. Shit! Can my day get any worse? I stuffed all of my papers back into my binder and only a folded paper laid on the floor. Are you kidding me! This better just be something I doodled on and forgot about. Nope of course not. Dear universe, when I asked if my day could get any worse that was a rhetorical question not a challenge. How the hell did he open my locker anyway? I’m seriously going to hurt this kid! The flipped open the note so fast I was surprised it didn’t rip. Hmm most be reinforced, I should get some of that. Not that have any anger issues or anything. “You’ve got until 8th before I tell. I’ll see you at lunch. Bye babe.”  Now there were three things I was certain of. 1.) I was right, this is definitely a guy. 2.) I was going to kill him. And 3.) This hand writing was so much neater than my first note. Oh so it’s some team action going on, “fun”. At least I had lunch to try and figure out which guy I'm supposed to be killing.

I walked into the lunch room and over to my friends. As I sit down I quickly scan the lunch room for any of the 5 suspects. Great there are 2 of them here, the straight up jerk, Tom and the bad boy, Drake aka asshole whose doing to die as soon as I get him alone that is. Wait! Drake is always alone so who is talking to. The person slowly turned around while saying some finally words. I examined the side of his face and no way! Tom? What is happening to society! Tom can’t be in a conversation unless it ends in a fight. And Drake doesn’t talk to anyone period, well except for the occasional insult. What could they be talking about! Suddenly they both look at me and continue to glare back. Then Tom starts shaking his head approvingly. Okay that’s good enough for me. I stood up without breaking eye contact and walk over to them.

“What the hell?!” I yelled. It was more of an intimidating statement because I didn’t want to scream and have everyone watching us.

“What?” asked Tom who was trying to put innocence in his voice- key word there being trying. Drake looked like he was holding back laughter.

“What are you laughing at Drake?” I asked knowing he hated when people talked to him but it put him over the edge when people said his name.

He stood up looking down at me glaring. How did I not notice how tall he was in the hallway?! He had to be over 6 feet tall. Okay so maybe yelling at him wasn’t the best idea. “Why’d you come over here?” he asked in a very intimidating voice. I saw Jake and his friends, which consist of pretty much the entire football team’s starters, stand up and look over here getting ready to help. I shook my head no giving a forced smile and he sat back down but I knew he was still keeping a close watching. Wow he was over protective and so were his friends. It’s a good thing they sat in the corner and no one noticed how they were about ready to come to my rescue. That would have differently raised a few questions. About 7 guys on the team knew, they also knew not to tell. I was fine with that too because they were fun to hang out with. Plus they were like my brothers, if they knew it meant I’ve known them since I was five. I smirked when I saw the rest of the guys at the table that didn’t know look around completely confused. But my smirk was removed when I saw Drake still looking at me.

I just stood there looking at him unable to find my voice. “Well?” he asked.

“U-um… y-you were looking at me?” Crap I stuttered.

They both smirked at me. After a second of silence Tom finally said “we both know that’s not the real reason you can over here.” He raised an eye brow at me as in telling me to continue on trying to find another excuse.

“Nope, that was it,” I said quickly and turned to walk off. I took only one step forward before Tom called out to me, “Hey if your brother is ever making too much noise for you my beds always free.” Yup he definitely wrote the notes. Asshole. Guess I can add him to my hit list.

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