"I wish you would have." Sam sighed. His voice was soft as he continued. "But  there was a lot of shit going on at the time, sweetheart. Neither one of  us was thinking straight. I've thought about it so much all these  years. There were so many things we could have done differently." Sam  held up his wrist and looked at the tattoo.

Sarah closed her  eyes, tightly. The more she heard his voice, the warmer the glow appeared in her chest. She said, softly. "I guess I've known all along that we would talk again, someday. But now that day is here, and I don't  know what to say."

"I know I fucked up, Sarah. And it all moved downhill so fast, I couldn't even keep up with it. When I got Shannon's letter asking if I was her father, I knew then, I was being given a second chance and I'm not letting it go! I want to see you, Sarah. God, you have no idea how much!"

Sam heard Georgie pounding on his door and knew he had to leave for the coliseum, he groaned. "Fuck!"

Sarah smiled at the familiar curse. "Some things never change. I know, you have to go."

"Before I go, I want you to do me one favor, I want you to read the letter I sent you. It says everything I felt then, you will see that it was hard for both of us. I know we've done a lot in our past to get over it, but maybe we haven't completely. We owe it to ourselves and each other. I want to see you, sweetheart." Sam knew he was running late, Georgie was waiting outside his door. "I have to go, but I'll call you later."

He really believed that this was a second chance and he didn't want to  fuck it up.


Georgie looked curiously at his brother as they walked to their car, "Did you have someone in there?" They climbed  into the car, thanking their driver for holding the door open.

"No!" Sam laughed, he couldn't keep the smile off his face. "I was talking to Sarah."

"No shit!" Georgie laughed. "You're just full of fucking surprises! Are you two getting back together?"

Sam grinned, happily. "She didn't hang up on me! That's a good start."


Sarah was in her office that she had set up in the third bedroom of her home.  She sighed in relief as she set aside the last tax form and W-2. She was finally finished the stack of forms and could take a break until the next rush of anxious taxpayers sent her more. She had started working on them after her conversation with Sam.

She needed the familiarity of  working with numbers to occupy her mind. Any other time, she could get lost in the columns of numbers and the calculations involved. But tonight it had been hard to concentrate, her mind kept wandering back to her earlier conversation  with Sam. He wanted to see her again.

She leaned back in her chair and ran her hands through her hair,  pulling it back off her face. She paused then started to separate the  thick strands into three sections. It had been a long time since she had braided her hair. It was now several inches shorter, ending at mid back.

She ran her fingers over the  completed braid, remembering Sam doing the same.

"Had he changed?" She  wondered. Was this really their second chance? He had broken her heart so completely, was there even a chance that they could start again?

The phone's insistent ring broke through her thoughts and she looked at the clock. It was midnight and she knew that it was Sam, calling after the show.

"Hello, Sam." Sarah's voice was hesitant but warm. There were no background noises, indicating to her that he hadn't gone to the party afterward. She smiled as she pictured him laying on the bed in his hotel room.

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