Chapter 27

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Sam went to Tex's room first. He had to talk to him and try to smooth things out. Anger still burned in Sam when he thought of Sarah with Tex, but he had to push it down. As Gisette had reminded him, he had to think of the band, too.

Tex stepped back when he saw Sam. "I don't want to fight, Sam."

"No, I don't want to fight, either. But I would like to know what the fuck got into you? Why did you go after Sarah?" Sam entered the room.

Tex closed the door, then turned around and leaned back on it, crossing his arms as he looked at Sam.

"She was hurting so bad, I watched her as she sat at the table, her eyes followed every move you and Gisette made out there on that dance floor. So I felt bad for her, and asked her to dance. After she got sick, I knew she was in no shape to go back in there, so I brought her back here." Tex stopped there as if to end the story.

Sam stood across the room, leaning on the window sill, his stance mimicked Tex's. "What about when you got back here?" He narrowed his eyes, and Tex could see the anger in them. "Don't fucking tell me that nothing happened. Someone saw you two out there in the hall."

Tex thought about it for awhile, then finally he spoke. "I didn't know we had an audience. Whatever happened between Sarah and me is between us. But I can tell you that it wasn't me that she was thinking of." Tex shook his head. "Man, that girl doesn't have it in her to cheat on you, even when she tries to."

"What do you mean?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" Tex looked at Sam. "It wasn't my name she said when I was kissing her."

Tex calmly turned and opened the door. "Now get out of my room. Go back to Sarah and quit fucking around on her!"

Sam still leaned against the window sill, his head down, he stared at the floor. The thought of whatever went on between Tex and Sarah tore him up. And then, Tex tells him that she had said his name. He felt somehow better. If anything, it helped him understand Sarah better. Sam stepped forward towards Tex.

"I came here for two reasons. Let me say this first, though. If you ever get near Sarah again, I will kick your ass."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, you said that before." Tex said wearily. He added in a more urgent voice. "Then I suggest you leave Gisette in the past, and focus on Sarah. Love the hell out of her, man, she needs your attention! For your own good and for our group."

Sam nodded then stood up and walked towards Tex. "I'm working on that part." He stopped in front of Tex and explained the second reason he was there.

Tex readily agreed to Sam's idea and said he knew that Leon and Barry were in the coffee shop and he would go get them. They could meet back there in his room and talk about it.

Georgie had showered and was getting dressed by the time Sam got back. Trish was picking up the piles of clothes scattered through the room and sorting them on the bed.

"I have to do some laundry today. Would Sarah want to go too?" She asked Sam.

"Yeah, probably. She was asleep when I left her." Sam sat in the chair and watched as Georgie and Trish moved around the room. They acted as if there was never any fighting between them. Yet he knew that they had put each other through so much shit.

"You know, Sam. You are second on my shit list, right now." Trish glanced at him as she put the clothes into a plastic laundry bag.

Sam leaned his head back on the chair. It was time for the ass chewing. "Go ahead and say what you want. I already know what a shit I was. I am trying to make it up to Sarah. I don't know if you can make me feel any worse than I do now."

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