Chapter 20

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    The party in Gisette's room was getting louder and wilder. Crowds of people wandered from the living room to the bedroom and the balconies.

Sarah was standing on the balcony off from the living room. Sam had gotten caught up in the after show excitement and wanted to come back and party, forgetting the promise he had made to Sarah earlier that day.

She stared up at the stars, but they were nowhere near as nice as the ones by the lake. When she looked at the people crowded around her, she didn't see anyone she knew.

She turned to face the living room, choosing to watch the people inside. 

  She saw Sam now, doing a line of coke with a group of people; all of them circled around the coffee table. Gisette was sitting in the middle of the group, between Sam and Barry.

She watched as the group all laughed at something that was said. She sucked in a breath when she saw Gisette reach around to rub her hand across Sam's back and he curved into it, then caught it up in his own when she had slipped it into his waistband.

She saw them both put their heads together and say something before they were interupted by the coke mirror being passed to them.

Sam held it for Gisette, pushing her hair behind her ear for her when she lowered the straw to the line. She watched as Gisette swiped at the remaining powder and ran it over her bottom lip.

Sam's eyes were glued to the fingertip, following its slow trail across her lip. Sarah saw the wicked smile on his face as he took the straw and snorted his line.

She felt the pain in her chest when he swiped his own powder, and she held her breath to see what he would do. But he had laughed and put his finger in his mouth, then passed the mirror on to the next person.

The intimacy that had lasted between them was only a minute or two, but Sarah wasn't fooled. It shook her to the core, and she knew that she had to say something to Sam about it. She stepped in his direction, then saw Trish out of the corner of her eye.

Trish was sitting on the bed, talking on the phone while covering her other ear. Sarah watched in concern as Trish wiped tears from her eyes. She hung up the phone and crossed the room to Georgie, pulling him aside.

She saw Georgie hug Trish as she cried on his shoulder. Sarah walked back in the room and up to Sam, who had been watching the couple. The two of them approached Georgie and Trish.

     "What's happened?" Sarah asked in alarm.

    Gisette came rushing over, a concerned look on her face.

    Trish pulled away from Georgie and faced the three of them. "My grandmother just passed away. I have to go home for the funeral."

    "Oh Trish!" Sarah hugged her friend. "I'm so sorry."

    Gisette took Trish's arm and offered to take her back to the room and help her pack her belongings. But Georgie said he would go with her; he needed to phone around and find her a flight home.

    News of what was going on got around the room quick and everyone was quieter for awhile. But the noise level started to rise again and Sarah was relieved when Sam suggested they go back to their rooms.

    "Isn't Georgie going to go back with her?" Sarah asked anxiously as soon as they walked into the elevator. "She shouldn't go by herself."

    "He can't, sweetheart. We have gigs we have already committed to." Sam tried to explain it to Sarah, then looked at the troubled look in her eyes. "Do you want to go with her?"

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