Chapter 30

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Sarah saw Midgie waiting at the gate as she left the plane. The flight had been 4 hrs. and she had cried the whole time. She felt emotionally exhausted and numb. Everything she did felt like she was in slow motion.

Midgie ran up to her, taking her duffle, and giving her a hug. "Sarah! It's ok. You don't have to talk about it yet. We'll get you home, Okay?"

Sarah just nodded, mutely.

Midgie kept looking over at Sarah as she drove the short trip back to Breezewood. Sarah had leaned her head back on the headrest as soon as she got in the car and was silent. Her face showed the pain she was going through. Her eyes were red and swollen, and there were dark circles under them, standing out against her alabaster pale skin. As she tried to light a cigarette, her hands shook so bad, she dropped the lighter on the floor.

Midgie lit a joint and handed it to her. "Here, smoke this instead."

"Thanks." Sarah rasped. Her throat was closing up as she held back the tears.

"Please take me to Pete's. I can't face my parents." Sarah whispered in agony.

"That's where we're headed. I called him last night and he's waiting for us."

Midgie sped up as she passed cars on the freeway. She wanted to get Sarah to Pete's apartment and hear what was going on.

"Sarah, is there any chance that Sam will call your house?"

Sarah squeezed her eyes shut. "Shit! He probably will, if he hasn't already."

"That's ok. I'll call them when we get to Pete's. I'll tell them something, anything you want me to tell them, don't worry." 

After Sarah had left, Trish stood in front of the door, barring it from Sam. Georgie agreed let him loose, but only if Sam stayed in the room.

Sam paced the floor, angrily, shouting at them both to go get Sarah.

"No, Sam, she doesn't want to be here. What the hell is going on with you two?" Trish crossed her arms and stood against the door.

"She found out something about Gisette and me. She's pissed. If you would just let me go, I can talk to her."

"What are you and Gisette doing now? Haven't you put Sarah through enough? I thought everything was settled between you." Trish shouted at him. "What did you do that was so bad that she left? It had to have been something fucking bad. She has forgiven you for a lot of shit, you know."

Sam ran his hands over his face and when he pulled them away, Trish saw that he was crying.

"I thought I was keeping her from getting hurt again! I didn't know she would think I was shutting her out!" Sam cried.    

Trish walked him over to the bed, sitting beside him and holding him while he got control of himself. Georgie sat on the other side of Sam, uncertain of what to do. He had never seen his little brother get so upset.

"What happened? Maybe if you explain it to us, we can help." Georgie offered.

"Gisette may be pregnant." Sam saw the horrified look on their faces. "We don't know for sure. I just found out the other day. And I didn't want to fight with Sarah. We've been getting along so good. So, I didn't tell her. I just thought I could tell her if we found out that it's true. And deal with it, then."

"Ok, so wait. You didn't say anything to Sarah?" Trish asked.

"No, but she figured it out. And she's pissed. Oh god! It might not even be true! Gisette doesn't know for sure. We won't know until she sees a doctor."

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