Chapter 32

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Sarah held the package in her shaking hands. It had just arrived as she was going out the door, leaving for Pete's. She was supposed to be there at 6 and she was running late. She nearly knocked over the delivery man, in her rush to get out the door. When he handed her the package, and she saw Trish's name in the corner, she had sat down, hard, on the front steps, staring at it. Her heart nearly pounded out of her chest as she guessed what it was. She didn't know if she was ready to look at the pictures inside.

"Sarah, what are you doing, honey? What is that package you're holding?" Jane was looking out the screen door at her daughter.

Sarah stood up, slowly, still staring at the package in her hands. "I'm going to Pete's now."

She looked back at her mother. "I don't know when I'll be home. If you want to put the phone back on, you can. If Sam calls, tell him I'm with Pete. That's all, just say I'm with Pete."

Sarah knew that Sam would think she was going back with Pete. She wanted him to think that. She hated the thought of what it would do to him, but maybe now he would stop calling.

Sarah had been at Pete's for an hour, when her mother called. Becky had answered the phone then passed it to her. Sarah took the receiver nervously, she had been waiting for the call.

"Sam called." Jane said.

Sarah rubbed her hand over her eyes. "What did you tell him?"

Jane paused. "I told him you were with Pete, just like you said. He hung up."

"Ok, thanks, Mom. I don't think he'll call anymore, but if you want, you can take the phone off again. I love you." Sarah hung up the phone and went into the living room, slipping quietly into her chair.

Midgie was the only one who knew what Sarah's mom had told Sam. She smiled at Sarah as she handed her a drink. "We're just about to toast Pete's entry into adulthood."

Midgie held up her glass. "Here's to Pete! No longer allowed to play as a child!" She giggled. "It's time to grow up, Pete!"

Sarah lifted her glass and attempted to smile.


Sam slammed down the phone. "She's gone back with Pete!" He told Trish, angrily.

Trish looked at him, sadly. "Did she say anything about the picture album. Maybe she hasn't gotten it yet."

Georgie added. "At least the phone is working now. She might be ready to talk."   

"You know, Sarah had said that today is Pete's birthday. Maybe that's all it is, she's with him now, she'll be home again tomorrow. It doesn't necessarily mean they're together." Trish said, thoughtfully.

"Yeah.... I'll call again tomorrow." Sam laid back on his bed, his arm over his face.


The party was well under way at Pete's. He had opened his presents, a new pipe from Sarah and a four finger bag and pack of rolling papers from Midgie and Dave. Becky had given him a new rolling tray, and a small package that she had said to open later. Sarah smiled as she saw the two of them whispering together.

Pete sat now, on the couch, cleaning the pot and rolling up several joints. Dave was filling the bowl on the pipe. Sarah was curled up in the chair, quietly, listening to the conversations around her.

Midgie came to sit next to Sarah, whispering. "What was the other package that you brought?"

"It's a photo album from Trish." Sarah whispered back. Midgie saw a glint of tears in her eyes. "I'm not sure if I want to look at it, though. I don't think I can handle it."

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