Chapter 16

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TUESDAY - JUNE 8, 1976

They pulled into the campground about 9:30 a.m., catching Dave as he was ready to leave the office. He stopped on the porch, then rushed forward when he saw Sarah, grabbing her in hug.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Sarah laughed. "Is Midgie here?"

"Great to see you! No, Midgie's at work till 2:00. She's going to be happy to see you!"

Dave looked over Sarah and saw Sam leaning on the car, with his arms crossed. He walked over and extended his hand, greeting Sam. "Good to see you, again, Sam."

Sam shook the hand, and nodded, "You too, Dave."

Sarah watched the exchange between the two. She could tell they were both making the effort to still be friends, and she appreciated it. She looked in the office window and was relieved to see no signs of Pete.

"Don't tell Midgie we're here. Especially if she's at the salon, it would be all over town. I'd rather not see my parents until tomorrow. I want to see you guy's first. Ok?" Sarah cautioned Dave.

"Hey, sounds good. I'll bring her down to the tent when she gets here." Dave looked at Sam, "You're staying at the tent tonight, right?"

"Yeah, we were planning to." Sam nodded in agreement. "I'd like to go there now and catch some sleep. We'll be there when you come by later."

Sarah looked around the tent and smiled. It had only been a week, but so much had happened in that week. She felt like a different person.

Sam came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Happy?"

He turned her around to face him and kissed her, a long slow kiss, reminding her of their first kiss. It had been awhile since they had shared a kiss like this, and they both had missed it. They took their time, drawing the heat from each other, leaving them breathless.

"My god, Sarah. We need to do that more often." Sam breathed against her hair.

"I agree." Sarah kissed his neck and down his chest, the hairs tickling her face. She inhaled the masculine musky scent of his cologne as she wrapped her arms around him, fitting into his body perfectly.

"How tired are you?" Sam ran his hands down her braid, tugging her backwards as he laid her down on the sleeping bag.

The reunion between Sarah and Midgie was loud and filled with giggles and uncontrolled laughter. The two girls, hugged and whispered.

Dave interrupted them, drawing back the door flap and looking out, exclaiming, "Hey! Look who else has showed up."

Pete stepped in, watching Sarah's face as he did. Sarah's heart skipped a beat, then she stepped forward to hug him. He smiled widely as he returned her hug. Then Sam stepped forward, holding out his hand and Pete accepted it, nodding. They all felt the tension in the air, and everyone broke into chatter to smooth it over.

Pete offered up a bucket of chicken and they all dug in, sitting in a circle on the tent floor. Dave passed around beers to everyone. Sarah sat between Sam and Midgie, leaning over frequently to whisper to her friend.

Soon the guys were deep into a conversation about baseball and the rivalry between the teams, and the girls were free to talk alone.

Midgie asked Sarah, "How have you been, really?" She lit a joint from the cigar box and passed it to Sarah.

"A lot better. This get away is working great for Sam and me. How did you get Pete to come today?"

Midgie lowered her voice to match Sarah's. "When I found out you were here, I called him and told him that he better get his act together, you wanted to see him."

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