Chapter 19

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Sarah was surprised to see Gisette doing coke in Georgie's room that night. Normally, Gisette would only smoke joints and Sarah had seen her with a glass of Jack Daniels on occasion.

But as Sarah watched, Gisette expertly snorted the lines off the mirror. She slid her finger across the traces left, and looked up to see Sarah watching her.

Gisette's eyes slid over to land on Sam. She looked back to Sarah and slipped her fingertip in her mouth, sliding her tongue around it, smiling as she saw Sarah's eyes narrow.

When the mirror came to Sarah, she passed it on, she didn't feel like having any tonight.

At that moment, Sam tugged on Sarah's braid, "Hey, the guys are going to get together in Tex's room. We think we may have something, and we want to try it out."

Sarah could see the excitement among the group. "We need somewhere a little quieter. I think it's going to be good." He gave her kiss. "I'll try not to be late."

The room emptied out pretty quick after the band left, leaving only Trish, Sarah and Gisette. The three girls sat there for a full minute. The air was filled with tension between Gisette and Sarah.

Trish jumped off the bed."Let's have our own party!" She walked over to the dresser that was set up as a makeshift bar.

Grabbing three red party cups and the bottle of whiskey, she walked to Gisette, handing her a cup to hold while she filled it.

She handed Sarah a cup, with her back to Gisette. "Be nice." She whispered as she poured the whiskey.

Trish took the bottle and set it on the dresser, then turned around and held her glass up. "To Blood Brothers. Our future is looking good!"

Sarah and Gisette raised theirs in salute, then drank from their cups.

Trish sat on the bed, and waved the other two over to join her. Sarah watched as Gisette smiled, then got up and joined Trish on the bed. She had a bad feeling about it all, but knew she had to play along.

"This is better. Gisette, give us the scoop on the group!" Trish laughed at her own joke.

"I don't know if I can tell you anything that Georgie hasn't already." Gisette crossed her legs squaw style and sipped her drink. "Although, I don't know if you've heard. We'll be getting concert tees."

Trish let out a gasp of excitement. "Oh my god! Georgie said that Sam had designed a logo for new shirts. When are they coming?"

Sarah looked up in surprise. "Sam designed a logo?" This was news to her, Sam hadn't said anything about it.

Gisette looked at Sarah, her eyes gleamed. "He just agreed to it yesterday and drew me up a picture of it while you and Trish took your walk."

"So when will we get them?" Trish asked impatiently.

"I sent the order in before dinner yesterday. I put a rush on it, so hopefully soon." Gisette pulled a joint from her bag, lighting it.

Trish took the joint as Gisette held it out to her, and hit it, then passed it to Sarah. "I can't wait to see them. Georgie also said you might be able to score some hash."

"I'm getting it tomorrow."

"Oh, Sarah, that reminds me I wanted to give you more of those speeders." Trish reached into her bag beside the bed and took out a prescription bottle.

Gisette watched as Trish counted out the black capsules and put them in the cellophane from her cigarette pack. "Could I get a couple of those? I'll buy them, of course."

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