Chapter 47

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    Sarah got to the campsite early. She had napped some during the day and now she was restless, anxious to get this night over with. She knew this would make or break her relationship with Pete and she was worried about which way it would go.

She bit her lip as she stacked the firewood, and stuffed the wads of kindling under it. Striking the match to it, Sarah sat back on her haunches and watched it take root to the logs and start to grow. She stared at the fire, as her mind went over every scenario she could imagine.

Sighing she stood up and went into the tent. Tonight would also be the last night she would smoke a joint. The thought of the drugs she had done in the past month scared the hell out of Sarah, but she told herself that one more joint wasn't going to make a difference.

As she rolled it, she heard Pete's car pull in. Startled, she looked at the clock, sitting on the chest. He had gotten off work a half hour early. Sarah took a deep breath and waited.

Pete sat in the car, staring at the tent. He knew Sarah was in there, and she was going to tell him something important. All day he had been thinking of their morning, her sickness, her mother wanting to talk to Sarah alone.

It had come at him all of a sudden, he was blindsided by the thought. Was it possible that she was pregnant? He hadn't been around many pregnant females to know how they acted, but he had an idea of what morning sickness was.

Mrs. Winston must have figured it out, too. Pete really hoped he was wrong. He actually hoped that it was her break up with Sam that was making her sick.   

He had been a mess all day at work thinking about it, so bad that he couldn't stay the last half hour, he had to get out of there.

He sighed and climbed out of the car, taking slow steps towards the tent, then veered off and went to sit on the picnic table. He needed a few minutes to think before he saw Sarah.

Sarah heard the car door and she felt her stomach flip flop. She nibbled on a cracker while she waited for him to come in the tent, then she realized that he wasn't coming in.

Grabbing her water, she went out to him. She found him sitting on the table, the same as the night they had talked about his date with Jamie. She climbed up beside him and took his arm, and laid her head against it, just as she had done that night.

"You forgot the pizza." She said, quietly.

"Sorry, I didn't even think about it." Pete paused. "I've had other things on my mind."

He lit a cigarette, and stared into the fire. He was waiting for Sarah to tell him, he didn't want to ask.

Sarah closed her eyes, pressing her face into his arm. "Pete....I'm sorry." She bit her lip as she felt herself starting to cry. She did not want to cry, she was tired of crying so much.

"Is there any chance that it's mine?" Pete whispered. He continued to stare at the fire, only now through watery eyes.

Sarah shook her head. "No, it's not. But how did you know?"

"I've been going over it all day, and I figured out why you were sick. I was hoping that I was wrong. Until you sat beside me, just now. Then I knew." He sniffed loudly and cleared his throat. "I don't know what to say."

They both sat quietly, for several minutes, then Pete spoke up. "You have options, you know."

Sarah shook her head, "No, I don't. I want this baby, Pete."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"I don't think so." Sarah spoke around the lump in her throat.

Hearts Of Glass #AdultFictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें