Chapter 12

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Sarah stood in the shower and cried. She had still been awake when Sam had crawled into their bed early this morning.

She lay on her side, turned away from him, and faked sleep as she heard him getting undressed, and slip between the sheets.

He didn't try to cuddle next to her as he usually did, instead he lay on his side with his back to her. She knew that he couldn't sleep either, but they both were quiet, highly aware of each other.

She had been thinking all night, wondering what she should do. Her first instinct was to leave and go home. But she couldn't bear the thought of not being with him.

She still hadn't come to a decision.

Finally, with a huff of disgust, she had got out of bed and went to take a shower. She let the tears that she had been holding back flow freely, mixing in with the water, as it rushed over her face.

She heard the bathroom door open and she laid her forehead against the wall, gathering support from it.    

"Get out!" She yelled angrily.

Sarah heard the shower curtain rip off its hooks as Sam tore it open. "I don't want to talk to you now, you bastard!"

"Too bad, Sarah! We are going to talk about this. I know what you think happened last night."

Sam was angry as stepped into the shower, standing behind her. "It didn't happen! Nothing happened!"    

His voice turned impatient. "Would you just turn around and look at me?"

Sarah felt his hand on her arm, trying to turn her around. "No!"   

She stepped around him, keeping her head down. "I can't look at you right now! All I see is that fucking slut with her mouth on your dick."

She stood, dripping water, outside the shower. "You let her give you a blow job! You fucking son of a bitch!"

Sarah yelled, her voice reaching near hysteria. "I was in the next room, Sam! She gave you a fucking blow job while I was in the other room! What kind of person are you?"

She stalked into the bedroom and walked in circles as she ranted. "What the fuck am I doing here? I thought you wanted me! Only me! Then I catch you with that slut Cherry! Isn't one girl enough for you, Sam?"


Sarah stopped suddenly and looked up to see Gisette, in the doorway.

Gisette stepped into the room, smirking as she sized up Sarah's naked body.

Sam stormed out of the bathroom, ready to continue his argument with Sarah. He stopped when he saw Gisette.

"You really should make sure you close your door all the way, Sam."

Gisette's eyes were fixed on him as Sam turned on his heel and went into the bathroom. She licked her lips in appreciation. "God, he looks good enough to eat, doesn't he, Sarah?"

"Fuck off, Gisette!" Sarah was in no mood for the french bitch right now. "This is between Sam and I."

She looked smugly at Sarah. "I heard you arguing as I was ready to knock on your door."    

Gisette looked over at Sam, coming from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. She glanced in and saw the shower curtain hanging limply from its hooks.

"You two can really get carried away when you argue. You will pay for it when the hotel sends me the bill." She glared at Sarah then turned towards the door, "We're leaving for Louisville soon. Practice may be longer today, you said you have some new songs you wanted to play."

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