Chapter 17

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Sarah and Trish sat in the backseat of the car on the way back from picking her and Sam up at the airport. Sarah was telling Trish all about their trip when she stopped and looked at Sam and Georgie, curiously.

"Why are they talking in French?" Sarah asked Trish.

Trish shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know. They must be talking business. Sometimes they do that. Georgie is probably telling him what's been going on. There have been some changes.."

She stopped when she saw Georgie look at her in the rear view mirror. "I'll tell you later." She whispered to Sarah.

Sarah looked out the window, trying to pick up anything she might understand from the conversation in the front seat. But she had no understanding of the French language. She caught her name in there a couple times and Gisette's name was sprinkled through the conversation quite a bit.

There was confusion at the motel in St. Louis when Sarah and Sam walked into the lobby with Georgie and Trish. The members of their entourage were sprawled out in chairs around the lobby, waiting for Gisette to settle things.

Gisette was at the desk, trying to keep her patience, as she spoke with the clerk, who was shaking his head, trying to understand her. Georgie and Sam walked up to stand beside her and Trish led Sarah over to a spot against the wall.

"What's been going on?" Sarah glanced over at the band members spread out through the lobby.

"Gisette is making changes again." Trish narrowed her eyes as she watched the three of them at the desk. "One good thing is that there will be less practices. I mean, they"ll still do sound checks but they won't be working all the time. She wants them to spend more down time together. But she wants to cut our budget, so we are getting shittier places to stay."

"Cut the budget?" Sarah looked at Trish, her face showing astonishment. "But their father is paying for it all, right?"

"Yeah, he is, but Gisette wants to look good, so I think she thought this might help her image. Georgie says she's been on shaky ground. Julien isn't happy with the way she and Sam are fighting all the time. It's not exactly good for the morale, you know? He really tore into her shit, I guess. She's been a lot friendlier, even to me."

Sarah watched as Georgie and Sam took control at the counter. She noticed Gisette leaning towards Sam, whispering something in his ear.

Sarah watched as Sam smiled down at her, and said something back. She felt icy trails go down her spine as she watched Gisette take Sam's hand as she talked to him, drawing him in closer to her.

"Well, at least we got rooms for everyone. That dumb ass clerk had us all doubled up in rooms." Sam threw their duffle on the bed.

Sarah walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She heard their door open and recognized Gisette's voice. It was a low murmur but she knew that accent. She heard Sam's laughter then his voice murmured something in return.

Sarah recognized the flirting tone in their conversation. Finishing up, she hurriedly opened the door. Gisette was sitting on their bed, leaning back on her hands, Sam stood in front of her, his hands were shoved in his back pockets. They spoke in French, as usual, and their conversation definitely had a flirtatious vibe.

Sam turned from where he stood smiling down on Gisette. "Gisette has something to tell you, sweetheart."

"Ok," Sarah said, uncertainly. She walked over to Sam and tugged his hand out of his pocket. She felt him give her a reassuring squeeze as they linked their fingers.

Hearts Of Glass #AdultFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz