Ethan had spoken with so much conviction that it was hard to doubt him.  I just had to stay positive, learn to start accepting the great things that came my way.  I smiled unable to hold it in when I was looking at him, Ethan had a way of bringing out the best in me and I wanted to do the same for him.

His warm hand lingered on my cheek and brushed the hair back from my neck, he leaned down to place more sweet kisses behind my ear.  “I could always try to convince you to stay...Im very persuasive when it comes to you, or haven’t you figured that out yet.”  His wickedness came out in a chuckle and right then and there I knew he was right, I would do anything he wanted me to do and not because he told me to, it would be because I loved the way  I felt in his presence, captivated my his beauty and authority, but still in control of what I wanted and that was to keep feeling this wonderful.

“As tempting as that sounds, and I have no doubt that you could convince me to stay, I have been booked for months in advance to take this trip, I also have to write my review for the magazine.  You could always come with me.” I half joked and wondered if he would consider it.  I knew it wasn’t possible, with his father not quite out of danger and still in hospital the Multi billion dollar corporation that was Knight Incorporated feel on Ethan’s broad shoulders.

Thats what the meeting was about this morning, Ethan met with his companies lawyer to sign the documents that would put him in the drivers seat of Knight Incorporated and all of its subsidiaries of which there were many. 

I sat in on the business brunch at Ethan’s insistence, sitting quietly, just listening, absorbing the information as it came.  I ate quickly then excused myself when Brendan Smart, the company lawyer had started to discuss income figures in the millions and billions.  It was part of the meeting that I really didn’t want to know about, frankly it scared me knowing Ethan was worth so much money.  People only dreamed of this kind of wealth and I would never be in the same league as him.

I made my way around the grounds of the tennis club, it really was amazing, it looked more like a hotel not somewhere that people would come to the gym, swim in the pool or play tennis.   This was how the elite lived, this is Ethan's’ life style and I was in awe of every aspect of his life.  My brain told me to run as far away as possible, but my heart wouldn’t allow that, I was in way over my head and decided to just jump and when it ended I would crawl away because Ethan walking away from me would literally crush me into tiny pieces.  

“Where he sweetheart.” And I jumped at his voice.

We pulled up to the small airport and the driver came around to open the door.  I following Ethan out of the limo taking his hand as I stepped out. I stood off to the side where my suitcase sat.  Christ I couldn’t do this, a lump had formed in my throat and I knew if I spoke now I would lose it, there was no way I would embarrass Ethan so I bit the inside of my cheek to distract me from a different kind of pain.

He pulled me into his arms and I saw the confidence in his eyes.  It made me feel stronger knowing that he saw us together and the 5 days apart was only a small set back.  I smiled past my sadness and let his kiss enthrall me until it pushed all bad thoughts out and filled it in its place with love and light and sexual energy.  This is what I needed to get me through the challenging days ahead.

“I’m going to say goodbye here baby, I hate goodbyes, even though this is a see you in afew days.  I want you to have a relaxing time, unwind, enjoy, write your article, because when you get back baby, you. are. mine.  I mean that, so prepare for it.  I am a demanding bastard Addison, we will have five days to make up for.” He growled the last part in my ear and I had to rub my thighs together to try and distract myself from the ache his words created.

“I will text you when I get in. Ethan...” I hesitated.

“Yeah.” He pulled back to look down into my eyes, his eyebrow raised questioningly.

“Whatever happens, just know that the last weeks with you have been...incredible and I wouldn’t change a single thing.”  The words tumbled out in a rush before I could stop myself.

“Stop talking like its over, I won’t have it.  Thoughts of you is all that will keep me from losing it for the next 5 days and the promise of what I want to do to your sexy body.  The next time you go away, I will be with you, we will be in my private jet, I will take you anywhere in the god damn world Addison, just tell me you believe in us baby, please, I need to hear you say it before I let you go.”  He was breaking my heart with the plea, I didn’t make him wait because its what I needed to hear from him as well.

“I want us Ethan, so bad it hurts and I’m too attached way to quickly but damn it if I can do a thing about that.  It scares me...” I breathed out truthfully.

“Oh baby, your so fucking beautiful, do you know how much I want you right now.”  He pulled me up to him, lifting my high heeled sandal clad feet off the ground and kissing me with so much passion that it bought the lump back in my throat.  He held me to him with one arm, so strong, while the other hand bunched into my carefree hair that hung down my back.  I was locked into place until he decided it was time to let me go.  

“Now go before I change my mind and keep you here.” He let me down and I took a step back from him reaching down for my rolling luggage.  “Don't say goodbye baby.”

“See you soon Ethan.” I breathed out in a whisper, I tore my eyes off his and swept my gaze down and back up his body, committing every inch of him to memory.  I turned and walked away from the only man I had ever loved.  This was it for me, he was the only and the last.  I walked through the glass doors of the airport and wanted one last glance.  So I turned, I was delighted that he was still standing there, he hadn’t moved an inch.  The gorgeous half smile that caused and achingly gorgeous dimple in his cheek endeared me to him even more.  I could only smile back, and lifted my hand in a wave, it was genuine and real and simple and all I needed to keep me walking to the plane.

I turned and continued to walk away, confident that yes this was going to be ok.  Its only five days, we could both handle that, were adults not two love struck teenagers declaring undying love.  After all what could possibly go wrong...

  If you loved 'Tempt My Love' I know you would love to read my other book 'Tattooed On My Soul'. Its a chick-lit novel and eeres on the more edgier side of love with the characters having more of a troubled upbringing and struggle to find love.  

Thank you so much for following me, reading the book, voting at the end of the chapters and dropping me a comment.  It all means so much to me and makes me confident to know that I am on the right path in life.

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