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Getting in the elevator together was an all consuming experience, this little space had to contain all the sparks that were undoubtably flying off me at Ethan’s close proximity.  He leaned casually on the wall ,we were facing each other, while he devoured me with his eyes.  No-one would have guessed we were together, not that we were, we were just...what would you call it exactly. Fucking...mind blowing, toe curling sex. 

The  lift stopped to let some more people in, this was beginning to take longer than I expected, I was excited for what would come next.  While Ethan and I were still at the bar he became curious as to what I had bought today.

"I see you have done some shopping today," he leaned toward my shopping bag trying to spy what was inside.

"Yes I did have a little spare time, has anyone ever told you its rude to snoop in other peoples shopping bags?" Oh why does he need to know everything, even when we made love he had to know what I wanted, not that i was complaining.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours!" Reaching into his breast pocket he took out an envelope.  My curiosity spiked.

"Mr Knight you are incorrigible, now I am the curious one," I said looking bewildered.  

He was laughing at me now, Im sure the look  on my face said it all.  I tried to snatch it out of his hand but he was too quick for me hiding it behind his back.

"Not so fast are you little Ms Bates,' he was now tapping his fingers on his chin.  "I will ask you one more time and if you don't oblige me...well lets just say I can be very persuasive." His eyes grew dark and sexy all at once.  Do I want to find out what he means.  

Looking at Ethan with pensive eyes I wondered what he meant, I wasn't afraid that he would hurt me, he didn't have a mean bone in his body.  But he was dangerous and I’m sure thats why he was giving me the chance to run. I trusted him, after only two days, he had always done what he said and hasn't hurt me...yet!

"Oh Mr will learn that Im a very curious kind of woman and I will take this as a challenge." I had thrown down the gauntlet, game on midnight blue.  Leaning into my ear with and expression I couldn’t read, his whispered voice tickled my ear.

"Room." Smelling my neck he planted some soft kisses there, he hadn't touched me yet and I was already feeling a tingle down below.

Pulling away with my game face on I stood up smoothing down my tight skirt, picked up my clutch and shopping bags, threw back the last sip of my martini as he stood up and did the same.  I turned taking one step and I felt a stinging smack on my behind.  I turned around and gasped.  Holy cow, was that supposed to be a turn on because it was.

"Naughty girl Addison," That sexy dark dangerous look again.

"You like naughty?" This was as much as a statement and a question.  

"I like you...alot...and...I.WANT.YOU.RIGHT.NOW," Turning away once again I headed for the elevator.  Lets not keep the man waiting.


Entering my room I didn't so much place my bags on the floor as much as they were dropped like heavy bags of lead.  Ethan pulled my back to his chest and spun me around to face him. 

"How are we going to do this Addison?" I could feel his soft breath on my face. Closing my eyes I swallowed warily not really knowing where he was heading with this. I was so inexperienced in the art of seduction and didn't do sexy very well.  An idea was forming. 

"How about a late night dip in the pool?" My eyebrows shot up questioningly. 

"That sounds in next to no clothing." He was rubbing his clean shaven chin in pensive thought.  Now I knew he was mocking me. 

"I will met you up on the roof top in ten minutes, then you will get to see what I bought today and maybe I will let you peel them off me and fuck me senseless ALL.NIGHT.LONG.”   I felt my pulse in my throat at the thought of the offer I had made. Besides there was an envelope with my name on it in his breast pocket. I didn't like surprises but if Ethan was giving them out I was waiting with baited breath. 

"Ok I will see you in ten minutes, upstairs. Are costumes mandatory." Referring to yesterday's heated discussion on the necessity of bathing suits. This time it was my turn to turn him around and push him towards the door. I even added a little smack on his tight backside. 

"Not unless you would like to star in the security videos, oh and Ethan...bring the envelope," And giving me his 1000 megawatt smile he strolled out the door. 

Soooooo as you can see the romance isn't over YET between Addison and Ethan.

Please comment I would like to know your thoughts on what you think might happen next.

My next chapter has been given an r-rating and if you would like to view it you will have to follow me.

I am working on changing the rating as I have toned down the content of the chapter.

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happy reading


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