48 Bruises and Scars

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April 14th.

I woke up today feeling excited... and scared. Excited because Holden and I are a couple and my parents are okay with it. Scared because I need to go to school today. When people realize Alex and I aren't together anymore there's bound to be a lot of questions. Not to mention the idea of actually seeing Alex terrifies me.

I stare at the ceiling as all of this races through my mind. What will I do when I see him? Ignore him? Run away? Say hi?

Also what am I telling people when they ask why we broke up? Better question: what will Alex tell them? That I cheated?

I sigh and finally climb out of bed, no more skipping. I get dressed quickly and to soon for my liking I'm at school. I get there with just enough time to get to homeroom and as soon as I walk in everybody looks at me. I shift uncomfortable before taking my seat next to Josie.

I lean towards her and whisper, "So I take it they know about Alex and I?"

She nods and leans even closer, "Also I have to tell you something babes."

I raise an eyebrow at the worried tone she uses, "What?"

"You guys won cutest couple in the year book. You're getting your picture taken today."

I freeze, "No way."

She rolls her eyes, "It's not shocking you guys won. I'm pretty sure everybody voted for you."

"What is he telling people? About why we broke up?" I ask quietly. The whole class is trying to listen in, so we switch to paper.

I don't know, I don't think he's saying anything. Every time it gets brought up he storms off.

So he's really upset? I write back.

Of course, Scarlete you know he loves you more then anything.

He abused me.

I know, but that doesn't change the fact that he loves you. And I'm not saying it was wrong of you to leave him because I'm not. If I had known what he was doing I would have punched him in the face and told you to get away years ago.

It takes a minute for the note to get back to me and I sigh when I read it all.

I loved him too, which is why I stayed. And I would have married him too if Holden hadn't come along.

That's weird, 'Holden'. You're so damn lucky. But he really does make you happy huh?

I laugh a little, Sorry, I'll try to call him Mr. Blake around you till graduation. And yeah, he really does.

No, I don't mind Holden, it's just weird. I mean he is our teacher.

Our teacher that you flirted with all year.

I already said you were lucky, you can stop rubbing it in.

I laugh again and then a hand comes down and snatches up the note, "No note passing." Holden says amused.

I roll my eyes, "It's homeroom."

He moves to sit at his desk, our note still in his hand, "Doesn't matter."

Josie giggles next to me and I purse my lips at her. She leans over and whispers so only I'll hear, "Lovers quarell already?"

I shake my head and whisper back, "No, he just likes getting me in trouble."

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now