41. Bruises and Scars

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April 8th

Today is the day. When I say 'the' day I mean it. It won't be a joyous day- well for some- and it won't exactly be the worst day ever.

Today is the day that I have every intention of leaving Alex... or at least I'm going to try.

I've mostly shaken all the doubt from my mind as I drive to Alexs house. I stayed after with Holden today and any little part of me that was still rooting for Alex died when I showed up to see Holden waiting with a rose.

It wasn't a bouquet or anything, just a simple red rose and it made my heart race with love. It was just resting on his desk as he poured over papers that he was correcting and he totally forgot about it until I asked what it was.

He looked down at it and seemed shocked to see it there then grinned, "Oh this is for you. I saw a stand of flowers on the way to school today and wanted to get you one."

I blushed a deep shade of red and took it from him, holding it up to my nose I took a small- very feminine- sniff of it, before I curled it against my chest like you would a very loved stuffed animal.

After that Holden locked the classroom door and we shut off the light so that any passer's wouldn't be able to see in and I sat on his lap as I helped correct papers- in the very limited amount of light.

His lips at one point found my neck and it wasn't in an attempt to seduce, more like comfort. It felt nice as his lips barely pressed onto my neck, and then moved a centimeter over. It was a lazy way of showing love and it was really nice. Alex would never do such a thing. He's all about the seducing. Or not even fully seducing, he's really just into that rushed ripping of clothes and meeting of bodies and after a while it gets exhausting- not to mention a waste of buttons when they fly across the room.

So now with the rose nicely put on the passenger seat I sit in front of Alexs house thinking about what I'm about to do. Not debating whether or not to do it but simply planning it out. Wondering if he'll strike out and the fastest way to get away from him. I of course won't be mentioning Holden. I'll just say that I can't deal with the abuse any longer and I won't stand for it.

Thinking I finally have all my thoughts put together I climb out of the car and make my way to the door knowing that the next hour was going to be a hard one.

Before I can open the door myself though it opens and Alex is grinning down at me, "Hey, baby." He leans down and gives me a swift kiss on the mouth.

I briefly wonder if I should do this while he's so happy then figure it might be better to do it while he's not already furious.

The next thing I'm wondering about is what that amazing smell is, then I realize what Alex is wearing.

He has on a pair of jeans, and a button down shirt which isn't that weird, what's weird is the apron over the clothes.

I raise an eyebrow, "Are you cooking?"

He grins wider and his dimples increase even more and just like always I feel myself melt a little at the sight of them, he tugs me, lightly, into the house and leads me into the kitchen, "Everything has been so rocky between us lately that I figured a nice evening was called for. I mean when was the last time we went on a date? Sure we go out to eat lunch and stuff but that's not really a date. Also whenever you come over all we ever do is worry about school, and then we have sex and then you rush out. So I figured I would do something special for you to make up for how big of a jerk I've been lately."

He pulls out my chair for me and completely dazed I sit down, "What?"

Alex kisses my temple and I see candles burning on the table, "I also thought at first that maybe I could take you out to dinner, but I didn't want to be interrupted by waiters or anything, I just wanted it to be you and me. I even asked my dad to go out for the night."

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now