22. Bruises and scars.

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December the 3rd.

Thank god it's Friday. It's been a very long week. Every time I see Mr. Blake I want to cry, and kiss him all at the same time.

I feel awful all the time for telling him that I was going to marry Alex no matter what. But it would have been worse if I had lied to him.

Today I've agreed to stay after with him and grade papers but I made him promise me that there would be no kissing.

I'm in Chemistry as Mr. Blake hands back papers. I'm looking over my grades and making sure he wrote all the titles to my songs and smiling when I see that he did. When I get a paper back that has a folded piece of construction paper on the back. I pull it off and open it.

Just know that:
We're all so fragile,
and easily broken,
But I'll try my hardest,
to put you back,
Together if you do the same for me.

I quickly read over the lyrics, and when Alex leans over to ask a question I refold it and hide it in my lap. The first chance I get I pocket it.

When the bell rings I leave without giving Mr. Blake a backward glance. But just like I said I would at the end of the day I go to his classroom. I walk in after a brief knock and see that he isn't in the room.

"Mr. Blake?" I say.

He pokes his head out of the supply closet, "Just a second."

I shrug and then smile moving to his desk and sitting down. I spin around in his chair and that's when I see the computer. I smile and roll over to it. I move the mouse so that the screen gets out of sleep mode. When the screen starts up I see that he already has the Internet up so I open a new tab and go onto you tube. I type in the first song that comes to mind and find it in the million options I get.

I turn up the volume and Mr. Blake comes out of the supply room holding a steaming cup singing along.

"Blue October nice choice."

I smile, "Thanks."

I minimize the Internet wondering if he has solitaire. Instead of just seeing his screen saver there's another tab open. I see that it's a picture file and curious I move closer to the screen looking at them, and then I freeze. There's pictures of me.

"What the hell is this?" I ask moving the computer screen so that he can see it.

Mr. Blake clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck, "Um, well a teacher sent me a whole bunch of pictures from homecoming, and senior dress up day. There were a few pictures of you."

"I'm assuming this other teacher sent you more. So where are the rest?"

He sighs, "In the email she sent me the pictures in."

"Why'd you only save the ones of me?"

He shakes his head, "Are you seriously asking me that?"

I realize how stupid that question was. He's told me at least three times now that he loves me. It's just mean of him to keep telling me when I don't feel the same way.

I shake my head, "Never mind."

I turn back to the computer and open my youtube tab putting on a new song.

After a while we start to grade papers and it's almost four when the door opens.

I hold in a groan as Seth walks in. "Hey Holden." He says smiling his cocky smile. I want to smack it off his face.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now