PlayTime Is Over Part .2

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[ A|N : I'm being real now I'm skipping to where they are about to get Thomas and do what they do cause I'm really sick of written this .Sorry not sorry this book but anyways... ]

Chapter 42 -

& Scene.

Chardonnay P.O.V

Well it's 8:25㏘ and I'm sitting out where Thomas suppose to be meeting Keisha. I failed to mention she got out the hospital and she actually a cool kid I met her daughter her name is Aisha cute kid. It's weird that Natural, Keisha, and I have girls all the same age and birthday a day apart huh. But Keisha is actually a help to us tonight she helping us catch Thomas for a few extra bucks and a spot with my gang hmmm. Just wish he'll hurry up cause I think I messed up putting Kiyah and Bubbles in the car together.

Kiyah can you please shut up Bubbles is not taking your place. Is you taking her place Bubbles?

No, you just don't like me Kiyah. Same way Chardonnay thought I was gonna take her place, did I Chardonnay?

Nope, Kiyah you know your my dingding in ze booty !

Aye that's how we like it boo..... Ain't that Thomas car right there?

Yeah come on be careful and don't make no type noise cause we'll get caught as soon as he give her the money we get him. Got it?

Ooookaaaaayyy but say if he shot her take the money back some how see us kill us and get away.

Bubbles.... You listening?


Shut up now once we get him we'll take him to Kat house with Christian and everybody else.

Keisha P.O.V

Where is he at you give me a time I expect you to be there on that time not five minutes or more after. I just want my money so I can get out of here and get home to my child I haven't seen her in four days it's crazy. Bout time, let's make this fast hopefully nothing goes wrong it's always a BIG twist in this life style.

What's up Keisha?

What it look like I just got out the hospital. Ain't much up I just want my money so I can get home to my daughter so if we can speed this up.

Yeah here you go 10,000 in cash. Make sure to tell Marc I said wassup?

I don't think her telling Marc anything will be relevant.!

Chardonnay P.O.V

Hello Thomas nice seeing you in person finally.

Nice seeing you too just the girl I wanted to see!!

woah, since when do you bring a knife to a gun fight and even if you did wouldn't it be smart to wear a bullet proof vest?

Ha funny oh if it isn't Bubbles sister of Amere I remember her scream your name when she got shot that day (:

Yeah Thomas things that happen in the past that's where we leave them talking bout my sisters death don't bother me. BUT YOU SAYING IT LIKE A JOKE DOES! I'LL PUT THREE HOLES IN YO HEAD LIKE A BOWLING BALL TRUST ME I AIN'T THE SWEET LIL LEISHA I USE TO BE! FUCK THAT BOW DOWN NIGGA


Location: Kat basement

Time: Time for Christian & Thomas to die!

Bubbles and I sat in this basement watching these two like they was finna get up and do something. But couldn't they tied up pretty tight well I guess it's time to do this happy birthday day to me.

Thomas wake up I need you to be / stay focus! Now listen to me really good I ain't gonna cut you you've been shot three times by Bubbles here so this what ima do ima let you in on a secret . Christian you up cause you gonna let him know also. Well let's get to the point that baby Robin was carrying wasn't yours it was yo boy Christian yo lady was a hoe. Second you chased me for killing your girl gang but little did you know baby daddy of Robin baby slash yo partner helped us kill them. If your after anybody it should be your P.N.C. Right Christian? You ain't gonna speak huh I'm sick of looking at you Bubbles slit his throat!

Yes ma'am (:

What are you gonna do to me?

Well as you can see I got so cable Jack's connected to this generator so I guess you can say your sitting in the electric chair boo. you know if I wasn't gonna do what I was gonna do you'll be hooked to this until the next light bill. Any last words?


As long as your not there boo (:

Watching him shake over the place was the best birthday gift ever but it's time to finish this plan completely .

ready Bubbles?

yes (:

Detective Miles: Hello

- Hey Miles it's Chardonnay

Detective Miles: Chardonnay what are you doing calling so late

- I'm just letting you know that Bubbles and I killed Thomas and Christian...... Hello?

He hung up I'm pretty sure they'll be here soon. You a true rider boo I got yo back in jail!

Shut up!

Like I said they was coming in about twenty minutes they came just like that!

Mommiiiieee!! please don't leave me. LET HER GO LET HER GO!

I'm alright Charmaine mommie gonna come back for you like I did last time! baby girl stay strong for mommy and Chunky Bubb okay I love you!!


Those was the last words I heard from my daughter and I'll never forget them -_________-

Tori Here: That's the end y'all thanks for all the support you guys! But anyways Charmaine gunning at y'all next !

I'm out this bitch though


excuse the mistakes (:

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