Mothers Day

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( A/N: Yes I decided since it's mother's day I'll make a chapter about it. I know it's throwing the book off some but I don't care, enjoy )

Chardonnays P.O.V

Mother's day it felt kinda wired because I never spent it with Charmaine and I didn't know if I was to receive something or give it . I think the worst part of it all was that Charmaine knew more about it than me because I knew she was in the kitchen trying to cook breakfast I heard dishes breaking praying it wasn't my good ones and something burning praying she isn't burning my house down . I didn't want to upset her so I stayed in the room and thought of something's me and her could do today maybe go get our nails done, do a little shopping, and go take some pictures. As soon as I confirmed it all Charmaine walked in my room door with a tray of food all I could do was laugh at how happy she was that she finally did some cooking on her own.

Mommy look I made you breakfast and I didn't burn the house down

My breakfast was so bad but I didn't tell Charmaine that, it consist of Cereal, Fruit, some burnt toast, and orange juice. It was worst looking because one baby girl put a whole stick of butter on the toast, the cereal was everywhere on the tray, and the orange juice spilt over the stuff the only neat thing was my fruit so I ate that.

Charmaine baby this breakfast was great but it'll be greater if we go to IHop would you like that?

I was hoping you would say that because I couldn't stand looking at the food I'll go put my sandals on give me two minutes momma!

While she Did that I had nonstop text messages coming in from the crew I missed them I only been gone for two days it felt like years but we all know Chardonnay don't stay in the shadows to long

[ Text Message ]

Kiyah: Happy Mother's Day Momma ♥

Chardonnay: Happy mother's day soon to be mommy (:

Kiyah: What are you doing today?

Chardonnay: Charmaine & I are going out for today

Kiyah: awe well text me later, love you!

Chardonnay: okay baaeess, love you too

[ end of text convo ]

As the day went on me and Charmaine had a lot of fun we got our nails done, took pictures I'm thinking that was Charmaine favorite part I truly believe that girl is going to be a model it's something better than what I'm doing. After that we shopped for like four hours both of our arms was full of bags I was so tired but I enjoyed myself and so did my child that's all that matters. To be honest I think this was the happiest day of my life, not because I finally spent this day with my child but I got the chance to experience it something I never did with my mother I'm really looking forward to many more as the years go on.


CraackerJack Here: That was my mother's day chapter, I wanna give a Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there especially to my lovely mother I don't know what I would do without that lady she's my lifeline, my PNC, my backbone . We may have our disagreements and all but at the end of the day I love and respect her with all my heart it's not anybody on this world that could take my mommas place and I put that on everything. I LOVE YOU MOMMA ♥




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