Group Chat prt.2

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Okay guys back to the story....

Chardonnay P.O.V

Okay so we was all sitting down going over when the plan was gonna go in play. I really wasn't listening I was thinking over what I was gonna do after we finished with Thomas. Did I really want to do? What about Charmaine? What would she think as she got older? The next time I would see her when I came round she'll be half way grown, and I'm trying to take off where I left off. But anyways getting my mind off that the girls wanted to go out like the hell!? who gonna watch Charmaine? Talking bout King what King know bout kids she handle took care of Charday and Rj how she gonna watch Charmaine. Speaking of Rj that nigga been really distant like to everybody even his own baby momma we think something up and umm I hope not cause I'll kill a hoe just to get her out the picture. I refuse to let my lil niece or nephew grow up without the daddy and even if he is there I don't won't No other chick in the baby face saying that it can call her momma, HELL NO! But putting that aside I'm just ready to go out and get back cause I really don't wanna be out with all this mess going on Thomas could attack any time that's what he did on Ash, I refuse to lose another member.

OMG Dee I don't know what to wear none of this stuff looks right on me. I look crazy I haven't been out in along time and don't you judge me you cocky hoe!

I wasn't gonna say anything geesh, okay let's see what you got. What about this black dress, it's not to much it's not to little plus it may get you somebody. But other than that it'll show off your curves and your little booty.

Look Dee I may be nineteen but a nigga is the last thing on my mind. I got a daughter to take care of and some people to get rid of. Unless they can rock on that boat where they have a fifty / fifty chance of surviving with me, they can keep walking. Plus who wanna fuck with somebody that's nineteen with a daughter that's four that nigga gonna do that math and walk away I mean just straight up walk away.

See that's your thing you worry about the wrong things not all men or boys are like that. Stop worrying about something like that and try. That's your problem Chardonnay you never say "what if " what if and man doesn't care about that, What if that didn't matter to him and I found the right one. Look I'm not gonna force you but let's be real you need some dick in yo life! But putting that aside how do you want your hair? Bun with a bang ooorr curls with a swoop bang?

Which ever one you think with fit my face will work. Don't make me loon crazy Dee I'm serious!

Now why would I do a thing like that sweetheart.

I had to admit after Dee was done I looked great. I wore the black dress and it showed off my curves like crazy I was jealous of myself. Dee ended up doing my hair in a high bun with the bang the bun made my head look big but it was cute. Plus Dee just had to do the most with the shoes No they ain't red heels all the basic hoes where a black dress and put on red heels, NO I had on purple heels I was cute I was cute I was feeling myself mad hard!

Mommy.... Ooooh Gaawd mommy you look fine! Where you going tonight. Oh snap momma going to get her a man! I know that's right girl cause you be looking all sad now a days and man is what you need. But ima leave you alone text me and let me know what's his name girl facetime me better yet if I don't answer I'm schleppp, but you can tell me in the morning. Have fun momma ooo momma you been working on ya squats huh you gotta big booty so I'll call you momma Judy!

Goodnight Charmaine, Be good tonight also and don't stay on the phone all night either alright and I don't need a man geesh. Talk to you when I get back if you ain't sleep and if you are in the morning. And please take this patch off your arm let the wound breath it can get infected closing it off so much. Now give me kisses I love you.

Okaaay momma, geesh and I love you too have fun but not to much fun. DON'T Y'ALL DO NOTHING I WOULDN'T DO NOW!



Man this club was packed like hell. I mean walking around you had to think skinny to get pass people! But I wasn't worried really cause even if I did bump somebody we won't have a problem not for long anyway.

Bubbles it's hot in here man I'm thirsty walk with me to get a drank!

Alright let's go, aye um Chardonnay isn't that ya boy Rj right there?

Yeah but who is he talking to?

Oh shit, Girl he kissing up on some trick. Better hope Kiyah don't see!

Nah he should be scared I seen! come on we going over they and start some shit!

Yes! finally I've been wanting to start something since we've got here let's do it cause I'm hype right now!

Tori Here: Well I'm kinda feeling this chapter (: Oh snap who is Rj with? Mystery girl better run! and he kissing on her! what bout his baby momma!? Charmaine I can't with here she to much ^___^

But anyways guys I'm leaving thinking with what's gonna happen next......



FAN ME x10 lol

excuse any mistakes guys, sorry!


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