Truth Be Told

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|| Tre'zure in the M/M ||

3 months later

Chardonnays P.O.V

Today was the day we was heading back on home to visit everybody it was a hot fucking summer in Miami and I was ready to see everybody. We was staying for a while since Charmaine birthday is July 9 and it was the end of June plus Kiyah needed to get out I swear I was going to kill this girl if she wouldn't shut up. All she do is complain and her plus Charmaine them two just fuss all the time!

Kiyah: Charmaine can you pick it up!?

Charmaine: you dropped it so you pick it up what I look like!?

Kiyah: do you not see my stomach? I can't get it!

Charmaine: well that was a stupid question who can't see your stomach it made me miss my whole show last night when you stood in the way! I wish you would throw it up already!

Kiyah: for you to have sure a smart mouth it's a shame you think we throw babies up!!

Charmaine: your so dumb Aunt Kiyah!

Kiyah: no your dumb!

Charmaine: that's why your baby gonna look like Jason without his mask!

Kiyah: impossible I'm cute and uncle RJ is cute so the baby gonna be gorgeous!

Charmaine: of course you'll say your cute truth be told you look like road kill!!

Kiyah: oooo you know what I'm to grown I don't have time for you


Kiyah: I swear your daughter has anger issues

you was picking with her geessh but come on y'all I'm ready to go!


RJ: so are you over there planning your funeral Tre'Zure!?

Tre'Zure: come on y'all it's been three months Chardonnay ain't gonna ask bout that girl

Diamonds: if anybody know Chardonnay she's gonna wanna know what we did to Jaylah I'm not gonna lie either for something to go wrong and we be caught up, fuck that!

Tre'Zure: if she ask I'll tell her godddd!

Ash: she gone kill you

Tre'Zure: no she ain't man

Charday: Yes she is cause she just texted me saying when she get here we gotta let her know what y'all did with Jaylah

Passion: well good luck Tre'Zure I'm going home if anything pop off call me your funeral is Saturday 9:00 at Mt.Catholic church I'll be there LOVE y'all

Chardonnay: Passion!!!!!!!!

Passion: damn

Chardonnay : where you going I just got here you can't leave!

Charmaine: cousin Passion!! uncle RJ!!

RJ: hey babies

Charmaine: why you say babies it's only one of me it's baby

RJ: well no it's you, Aunt Kiyah, and my other baby

Charmaine: Ugh put me down go be with them two!!

RJ: Chardonnay what's up with this new attitude she got I don't like it

Chardonnay: I don't know all her and Kiyah do is fuss

The Devil's Eyes 2 ( EDITING )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz