What Do We Do ?

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Diamonds: so what do we do with her?

Tre'Zure: I don't know we can't kill her somebody will hear and we'll get caught

Charday: don't look at me I don't know nothing about this stuff y'all do I'm new to this

Ash: don't look at me either I don't kill I sell so stopping watching me

Passion: well can y'all think of something quick cause it stink down here Chardonnay could have at least let this girl piss and shit goddamn!

RJ: what's up ya- what the fuck is that smell? Somebody gotta clean her up I'm not doing it

Charday: don't look at me

Tre'Zure: bitch don't look at me either!

Passion: I can't take this I'm going upstairs nobody should have to sit in that girl I know you feel nasty!

- upstairs -

Ash: cut her throat or something!

Diamonds: that's to easy she gotta suffer

Ash: cut her up and put salt and lemon juice on them

Diamonds: nah that's weak

Charday: I say straight up slice that girl head off but make her beg for it shoot that hoe in her leg pour scratch all that pour acid on her!

Passion: I like the acid plan

Tre'Zure: me too

Charday: what you do is put like each of her fingers in there next her toes, pour it on her legs, but do little drops that will make her suffer. Man that's gonna hurt!!

Diamonds: since when did she get crazy like this?

RJ: hanging around Chardonnay way to much! but I gotta go to the hospital to see Kiyah I'll catch y'all!


- At The Hospital -

Kiyah: OMG Christian!! I haven't seen you in forever!

Christian: I know I heard you was in the hospital I had to come see you. So what happened?

Kiyah: what it look like I was shot in my shoulder and stomach

Christian: oh man! who did it?

Kiyah: Chris I don't know I mean Im cooling get a knock at the door nigga at the door started shooting shot me and my friend

Christian: you know what dude look like?

Kiyah: the last thing I was worried about was boy appearance I seen bullets flying I'm ducking and diving!

Christian: man I thought I was going to make a quick kill!

Kiyah: no you ain't bout to do nothing, so where's your girlfriend?

Christian: what girlfriend?

Kiyah: Malaysia!

Christian: I don't mess with that crazy girl anymore, and you KNOW THAT KIYAH!

Kiyah: (laughing ) chill out boy!! gee

Christian: so where's your boyfriend?

Kiyah: ummm

Christian: umm

Kiyah: well Christian we been friends since we was young so I got something to tell you

Christian: oh lord!

Kiyah: I'm pregnant!

Christian: oh my god im soo happy yeaaah and now we gotta go baby shopping ooooohhhh mmmmyyy gooooodddd! WHOPPTY FUCKING DOO!

Kiyah: stop acting fruity!

Christian: whatever but I'm happy for you knuckle head!

Kiyah: thank you Christian gonna be a uncle!

Christian: no I'm not, I'm Auntie!!

Kiyah: stop it!!

Christian: no but hey I should get going Kiyah ,when you get out of here?

Kiyah: next week

Christian: alright I'll see you

Kiyah: okay christ-(GCO)

*knocking at door *

Kiyah: it's open

RJ: hey Ki, who this?



CraackerJack Here:

So Kiyah and Christian know each other who would have thought! Man they bout to set a blaze to Jaylah skin she finna be hurt!




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