Countdown Day One

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Chapter 38-

Countdown Day One.

Bubbles P.O.V

I was watching Charmaine for a while today I swear this girl remind me so much of my little sister. I miss that girl if only I was outside to take that bullet for her, but since Manny been here she hasn't done anything crazy yet. Crazy? As in act silly, joke on me yet I love joking on her like love it I don't care.

Manny what's wrong sweetheart you seem sad?

Well yesterday when I was with my mommy we got in argument, and I told her that she always break her promises to me and that I hate her sometimes. But Chunky Bubb I didn't mean it I to say it I was just mad cause she was yelling and she never yells at me unless she's playing and she wasn't playing.

Well this is what you do alright, when she comes and get you tell her you wanna talk when y'all go home. Pull her By herself and grab her into a hug and give her kisses all over her face and say I'm sorry and I won't stop kissing you until ya take my apologie !

Momma hates a lot of kisses Chunky!

She'll learn to like them when you give them to her! I don't know what she thought but she thought wrong. Your momma better recognize who she messing with guuuuu!!!

I love you big head, fat face, No booty, big feet, ugly fingers, teeth so yellow the yellow crayon mad Aunt Chunky Bubb (:

Oh you joking huh now I'm mad cause now I'm bout to grind yo ass you know what time it is now dickhead lemme hear you say what time it is! What time is it







Chardonnay P.O.V

Day one. So I took the Keisha girl info in saying on how Thomas coming for me in three days well I'm coming to him in three also. Well two because today marks a day so yeah, all day I've been with all the girls except Bubbles I have her watching Charmaine for me.

Alright Dee what you got for me boo?

Well I went to the hospital and I talk to Keisha and she told me where I could find Christian. So he stay with some girl By the name of Natural I got some search on her but any whore! They stay round MapleWood found out Natural got a daughter named Nat around Charmaine age. Natural ain't got nothing on record so I really don't see her as a threat but you can't be to careful. Tomorrow night they hosting a party of Sherbrook you can run up then.

Alrighty Charday what you find on Keisha?

Nothing really, she yo age got a daughter round Charmaine age her record clean as Windex!

My point, why would Thomas and Christian deal with two girls with a clean record?

Psh what?

Passion don't play you the smartest one out of all of us! Why?

I seriously don't know, maybe to fuck with y'all I don't know it could be so y'all be so worried about really trying to find something on them about their record being so clean it throws y'all off from looking for more stuff on them!

I knew, You knew! That's why I like you. Alright so I got it all set up this is the plan, we going to that party but here's how! Tre'Zure, Diamonds, and I are going in the party from the back! Kiyah, Charday, and Passion take front ha ha ha Kat and Bubbles Wait in the car cause Dee is gonna set Christian up mainly!


Come on Dee the job won't be that hard it's real simple!

What I gotta do!

Diamonds, Tre'Zure, Kiyah, Charday, Passion, and I are gonna go upstairs and I hide right in one of the rooms.

He got a girl he ain't gonna go upstairs with me that easy!

Drug his drink stupid! You are kinda dumb I was being nice when I first met you! But Yeah I'll some how find a way to get Natural away from him so you can make your move

Alright I can do that!

Good now let's find out what we gotta find out bout this party can't go within knowing anything!


Tori Here: this chapter was bad Oh well ooo in my next chapter I'm gonna be giving s|o so if you want one let me know (; Sooooo yeeeaah I think this book will be done in like two or three more chapters so this will be finished soon being real I'm getting bored of this book sadly

buut what the fuck do I know???



fan me

-Tori †

sorry for any mistakes guys; /

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