"Hm , sounds good . My regular here is mac and cheese with chicken , god it tastes like heaven ." Harry bit his lip and looked into space dreamily , making Louis giggle .

Harry smiled at him and held his hand from across the table , "I missed hearing your giggle in those four days , and your smile , god your smile ..."

Louis blushed and looked away , smiling into the sweater paw he pressed to his face . "You made me blush again ."

"You know I love making you blush ." Harry smiled genuinely and removed his hand from his face , holding both his hands in his large ones .

"But I look like a tomato ."

"A cute tomato ."

Louis giggled again , looking away shyly . He was still not used to Harry's compliments , even though Harry showers him with them .

"I don't think I'll ever get used to getting compliments from you ." Louis confessed .

"Well better for me , I'll get to see this blush on you and hear your cute giggle , and your smile ..." Harry grinned at him , and Louis didn't know where to bury himself from happiness . He beamed , letting out another giggle .

A small cough was heard from near them , they looked away from each other to see the waitress . "I'm really sorry to interrupt , but I need to take your order , so let's do this quick so you can go back to being adorable , yeah ?" She smiled with a small chuckle , Harry smiled and sent Louis a wink , making him blush deeper .

"Alright , so , what's your order ?" She flipped her notepad out of her pocket and clicked her pen .

"Louis ?"

"O-oh , uhm . I'll t-take the - the toast salad , p-please ." Louis said quietly , the waitress nodded and wrote it down , "And for you ?" She turned to Harry .

"I'll take the mac and cheese with the chicken bits ."

"Alright , anything to drink ?"

Harry turned to Louis , "Is coke alright with you ?"

Louis nodded , not trusting his voice not to stutter .

The waitress nodded again and wrote it down aswell , "Alright , it'll be ready in a few ." She smiled at them and left .

Harry turned his attention to Louis , holding his hands again , "You stuttered ."

"I know . I-I'm just not used to - to talking to new people . Anxiety sucks ." He bit his lower lip nervously .

"I'll help you with it , alright ?" Harry gave his hands a small squeeze , "I'll help you . It's a work in progress , not overnight . It'll be okay ."

Louis nodded . "Thank you ."

"No need to thank me ." Harry pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles , returning the blush to his cheeks .


"I was thinking , we could take a stroll down the street , not really doing anything ." Harry suggested as they left the restaurant , intertwining his fingers with Louis' .

"Yeah , sounds good ." Louis nodded with a small smile , walking closer to Harry since the street was packed and he was afraid of losing him .

"And unfortunately we don't really have that much time to ourselves , fans are probably going to swarm us . So we can just start walking towards the hotel , and if we'll be close enough we'll just go straight there , or we'll take a taxi ."

A Model And A Fan - Larry Stylinson AU (BoyxBoy) COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant