Chapter 39: From Your Ash x

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*Ashton's POV*

"babe?" I shout through my house

I run up the stairs, sneaking round the halls leading to my room

"May?" I shout, wondering where she is.

I go into my room, seeing a lump in the bed, I jump right on top of it, but instead of a body, a pile of pillows were under the covers

"Oh she's good at this" I giggled, looking around my room, checking behind curtains. She wasn't anywhere in my room, so I went into Harry's room, but then decided there aren't ANY hiding places in there, I checked in Lauren's room, nothing again. I heard shuffling from the bathroom, she can't be in there can she?

I cracked open the door, it was silent in there. I shuffled round the floor, it was dark so it was hard to see, but in the corner of my eye, I saw something in the bath.

"FOUND YOU" I scream, pointing at the 3 figures squeezed in the bath. "You're good at this" I giggle, giving May a hand out of the bath.

"I always won hide and seek when I was younger" She giggled, lifting Harry playfully out of the bath as he giggles.

"Now it's time for bed" I say, looking at my brother and sister

"No not bed" May whines, winking playfully at me.

"Come on it's late" I giggle, ignoring May's playful comment, as my Mum had trusted us both to put Harry and Lauren to bed at a reasonable time.

"Okaaayyyyyyyy" Harry says, pulling May in the direction of his room.

"Come on then" I smile at Lauren, walking her to her room

"Night" She smiles, giving me a hug before going into her room.

"May can you come round every day?" I hear Harry's voice whisper, I look into his room, through the slightly open door.

"You don't want me here everyday" May giggles, tucking him in 

"I do, everyone does" Harry says

"We'll see" She giggles, giving him a peck on the cheek

"You're the best May" He says, giving her a big hug

"No you are" She says returning the hug "I'll see you in the morning" 

"See you in the morning" Harry smiles, before May gets up and turns the light out on her way out. 

"He loves you" I say, grabbing May's waist and pulling her towards me

"No way" She giggles, looking at me and giggling

"What?" I laugh

"You jealous?" she winks playfully

"Totally" I wink back, she pecks my lips before running down the stairs and flopping on the sofa.

"I like what you're wearing by the way" I say to her, joining her on the sofa

"Thanks, I don't like wearing shorts though" She says

"Why not?" I ask, running my hand down her thigh softly

"Because they look awful" She giggles, climbing onto my lap

"You could never look awful" I say, kissing her again, her hands running up my neck and nestling in my hair, fisting it slightly as my hands trail down her back. I broke the kiss abruptly.

"What's wrong?" May asked, looking into my eyes, slightly worried

"I'll be right back" I say, sliding May off my lap and running to my room. I picked up the package i had in my wardrobe and ran back downstairs and plopped myself next to May.

"so, with what happened on your birthday, you didn't get your present, so here" I say passing her the bag

"This is a big bag" She giggles, opening the top. She brings out the card first

"No open that when you're away from me" I say, taking the card and putting it to the side

"Okay then" She giggles suspiciously, she reaches into the bag, bringing out another envelope

"can i open this one?" She asks playfully

"I'll let you open that one" I wink sarcastically back at her

She opens the envelope, her eyes widen as she sees what it is

"How did you know?" She asks, mouth wide open, clutching her foo fighters tickets in her hands

"Toria helped me" I said, before I could say anymore, May jumped and hugged me tightly

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou" she says, kissing my lips softly

"Theres more" I say, gesturing towards the bag again

She now brings out a small box, opening it, her jaw drops once again

"oh my god" She says, taking the ring out of the box

"It's an eternity ring, I know it's early, but I really like you and" I begin, sounding slightly stupid, but again I was cut off by May hugging me.

"I dont need explanations, I love it" She says simply, admiring the silver on her finger

"Keep going" I say

She takes out the final present, opening the envelope, revealing a card

"Hotel booked for after foo fighters" She reads "I love you, Ash" She smiles widely, sitting on my lap

"You're perfect you know" She says

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me May, no joke" I say, kissing her head " I have one more little thing, it's not wrapped but I got it yesterday" I say, handing her a DVD

"you're too cute" She giggles "Shall we put it on?" She asks

"Yep" I giggle

*May's POV*

It was about the middle of the film now, and Ashton was fast asleep, I guess chick flicks weren't his type of thing. I took out my phone and took a picture of him, putting it on twitter with the caption 'someone isn't a fan of the notebook'.

I then decided to sneakily read my letter Ashton had wrote for me. I opened it to reveal a card with 'I love you' written on the front.

'My stunning girlfriend, 

I don't know where to start with this letter, I've been thinking about this since the first day I saw you. You're beautiful, inside and out. When you smile, I smile, to know you're happy is all I need. Your eyes are perfect, I could look at them all day, your cute little nose, your soft hair, your little ears, your body, your personality, your sense of humour, everything about you is perfect. I know people say perfect people don't exist, I was one of those people before I met you. You make me the happiest guy alive, I wish I could be with you every single minute of the day.

I know we haven't been together long, and you may seem really weirded out by this letter, but I needed to say it. You are the one, the one that makes me happy, the one that makes me laugh, the one for me. I don't need anything else to be happy. Never, ever change for anyone, because you don't need to.

I dont know where this letter is going, i'm blabbering now. I just want you to realise, you complete me. I've never been happier in a relationship, I've never loved anyone before, and finally, I know what love feels like. 

I got my favourite photo of us printed, put it somewhere special. 

Never forget, I love you to the moon and back


your ash x' 

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