Chapter 17: Not That I Mind At All

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*May's POV*

My eyes fluttered open to reveal an unfamiliar room. Hot breaths tickled my neck, humming as they exhaled. My memory failing me again, I had forgotten I had stayed at Ashton's. His arm was draped over my waist, my hand in his. My back was against his chest, feeling it rise and fall every few seconds was some what, calming. My bum was against Ashton's crotch, our legs intertwined. So I guess you could say we were spooning.

I tried to shuffle out of Ashton's grip, the task however proving much harder than I had planned. Ashton's grip tightened.

'I'm awake May' Ashton said delicately, his raspy morning voice present, damn, it was sexy.

'Morning' I add, turning over to face the sleepy body beside me. His eyes were still glued shut, trying to get used to the light within the room. I kissed each eyelid, before moving down to his lips, pecking his slightly parted mouth.

I try to wriggle out of his grip, wanting to take a shower, but that proved impossible.

'No stay with me' Ashton uttered sleepily, pulling me towards him.

'Fine, 10 more minutes' I respond, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

10 minutes had turned into half an hour, the only sounds emitted from us both being the buzzing of our breaths.

'I really have to get ready now' I groan, not wanting to move from the extreamily snug position we both aquired.

'Okay baby' Ashton replied, moving his arm from around me, granting me space to move. I shuffled towards the edge of the bed, flopping my legs off the edge. I stumbled towards the bathroom, my legs still half asleep. Grabbing my bag on the way, i then shut the door to the restroom.

I heard footsteps come from outside the door, before a soft couple of knocks came from the door. I opened it to reveal a scruffy haired Ashton holding a towel.

'You might need this' He smirked.

'Oh yeah' I flush, 'forgot about that' grabbing the towel. Ashton flashed me a cheeky grin before I continued with my shower routine.


Once I had done, after washing my hair with Ashton's apple shampoo, I made my way out of the bathroom.

Ashton was laying on his bed, still with no t-shirt on, although I wasn't complaining at all. His long body was stretched out, his muscly arms above his head, he was asleep again. I quickly checked my phone 12 o'clock?! How did that happen?

I jogged over to Ashton, straddling his waist with a quick action. He jolted, I must have made him jump. His eyes flickered open, his face now wearing a confused look.

'Ashton it's 12 o'clock! I need to go' I holler.

'i dont want you to go' He simply replied, pulling me down so I was kind of laying on him.

'I dont want to go either'

'Then stay'

'I cant, my mum wants to see me'

'i guess i'll see you tomorrow then' he says, a kind of saddness present in his voice.

'I guess you will' I say, climbing off him. 'Don't miss me too much' I wink as I stand up before him.

'I will' He smirks, standing next to me, his head resting on mine.

'I'll see you tomorrow' I tiptoe slightly and place a kiss on his lips.

I then make my way out of Ash's house towards mine. I didn't mind walking, infact, I loved walking on my own, although I could never survive without my headphones.

I pulled the white headphones out from my bag, along with my ipod and started to play the music. As my house was only around half a mile away from mine, It wasn't long before I arrived at my front door.

'Mum I'm home!' My voice echos around the house.

No reply was uttered, confused, I paced around my house, in search of my mum. I walked towards the kitchen, finding a note.


My work called me at 5am this morning and need me to fly to America again for training, I'm sorry I couldn't see you before I went but my flight left at 7.00am and i didnt want to wake you! I'm a horrible mum, i'm so sorry babe.

I went shopping last night and everything is stocked up, I also left $400 in the safe in my room, you know the passcode right? If you don't ring me!!

I'll miss you loads and i'm so sorry to leave you! I'll be back next sunday, call me!

I love you so much,

Mum xxxxxxx

It seems Mum's work has been more demanding than we first thought. I was bummed she had to go away again, but i suppose she's getting really good money and once the trainings over i'll see her loads. I guess Ashton will be staying round more often then.

Not that I mind at all

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