Chapter 36: SURPRISE!

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*Ashton's POV*

It had been 2 and a half weeks since we left Sydney, we were in the last City before we then went back home, I couldn't wait. I had skyped May every night, face timing her when I could, keeping in touch everyday, it was safe to say I missed her life crazy. She had been round my house loads, hanging out with Harry and Lauren, who I had also skyped with May. They both loved May, she was great with kids, having a younger brother and sister made her the perfect substitute for me while I was away. 

"Ashton are you ready?" I hear Calum call from the other end of the tour bus

"Yeah one sec" I shouted back, pulling out my phone quickly sending a picture of me to May, with the caption '26 more hours, I'm counting down' and then ran after the boys, who had left without me,

We walked into the venue, the stage had already been set up, we could hear the fans screaming from down the hall, waiting for us to get on stage.

"You ready?" Luke asks us, grabbing his guitar, as Calum and Michael do the same.

"Let's do this" We say, getting onto the stage.

*May's POV*

My phone buzzed, revealing a picture from Ashton, I opened it, a picture of him blowing a kiss, the caption '26 more hours, I'm counting down', so cute. I've missed him so much, more than i thought i would for sure. 

"What are you smiling at?" I snapped out of my daydream, Victoria and Noor looking at me, very weirdly. 

"Just a text" I giggle, feeling like an idiot.

I took a cheeky picture while they both weren't looking, adding the caption '25 hours, 23 minutes and 15 seconds, I'm counting down' I sent it, smiling at how cute we were. He was obviously on stage at the moment, but I reckon he'd love to come off stage to that.

Me, Victoria and Noor had spent the whole last two weeks together, becomming close with Noor because she had been talking to Luke all the time. Victoria's mum was flying out at this moment, ready to move into their new house, just around the corner. I was so excited, in Australia with my bestfriends, boyfriend and everything, perfect. 

"Okay, so what's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked the other two, as they were sleeping over tonight, we could plan.

"So, we turn up to the gig" Noor began

"We go backstage when they're in the middle of their set" Victoria continues

"They think we haven't turned up" Noor giggles, thinking of how good this plan will be

"Then we surprise them backstage" I grin, squealing because I was too excited

"What are you guys wearing?" Noor asks

"A dress" I say, I had been planning this outfit for weeks, wanting everything to be perfect

"Same" Victoria hollers, Noor nods, thinking about what she would wear.

"Aren't you guys nervous?" Noor suddenly blurts out, after all of us watching a film

"Yep" Victoria giggles

"I've been planning this moment for nearly 3 weeks, so yes" I laugh

"Me and Luke aren't even together and I'm nervous" She says, sounding paniced

"Noor, he likes you, anyone can see it!" I say, putting my arm around her shoulder.

"I'm not sure" She says, twidling her thumbs

"It wont be long before you two are together, I know it" Victoria smiles

"May, I'm just going to the shops, do you need anything?" My mum calls, heading to the door, twizzling her car keys in her fingers

Unpredictable - Ashton Irwin / 5SOS FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora