Chapter 12: Well You Must Have Got The Wrong House

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*May's POV*

The sun rays seeped through my blinds, causing me to wake up. I never was much of a lay-in kind of girl, so it was nice to be naturally woken up. I heard clattering downstairs, which could only mean one thing, my mum was home! I was really excited to see her, needing to fill her in on the news that had occured within the past week. I jumped out of bed, quickly pulling on some jogging bottoms before then racing downstairs.

The smell of cooking wafted in my nostrils, I turned the corner to reveal my mum over a pan cooking some kind of breakfast.

'Mum!' I say, before running to give her a hug, she kissed the top of my forehead, as we broke the embrace.

'Hey babe, how have you been?' She grinned, she looked tired though, still in her work clothes, she obviously hadn't been back long.

'I've been amazing! How about you?'

'Ooo amazing have we?' She nudged my shoulder. 'Yeah I've been good, work has been stressful, all this training is worth the extra pay though!' She seemed optamistic about the ammount of hours she would have to work.

'Yes I will reveal all later!' I giggled, not being able to hold in the excitement of telling mum about Ash.

'Okay!' She giggled too, before spooning scrambled eggs over some toast 'Here you go' she says, handing the plate to me.

'thanks' I grin, before taking my seat at the breakfast bar.

'Come on then, explain all' She says

After I had 'explained all' my mum was screaching.

'So you've finally got a boyfriend?' She was squealing, so mature.

'Yes I have finally got a boyfriend, he only asked me last night mum!' I said, sarcasm on the fact that i had got a boyfriend at last.

'I want to meet him' She said calmly

'Okay, well i may see him today so-' I was cut off

'Great he can come round for dinner!'

'I dont want to scare him mum, I'm sure he doesn't want the scary parent dinner yet! Plus you're shattered, you can meet him tomorrow okay!' I say, she calms down.

'Yeah, you're right.' Mum said. 'I'm going to bed' She said, before descending up the stairs.

I decided to skype my friend Victoria, as it wasn't too late over in England (8.00pm). I took my laptop onto my lap and called Victoria, as the familiar skype ring chimed. Then I saw my bestfriend pop up on the screen.

'Oh my god Toria!' I say excitedly

'May!' She squeals back.

'I miss you so much!' I say, before I can wait for a reply though, the doorbell rings.

'I'll be right back, someone's at the door' I say to Victoria, before walking towards the door.

Yawning, i turn the handle to reveal Ashton.

'What are you doing here?!' I say playfully.

'Thought i'd come to see a beautiful girl' he replied.

'Well you must have got the wrong house' i winked back

'No, theres no one as beautiful as you near here' Ashton replies before walking towards me, wrapping his arms round my waist and kissing me. Sparks flew again as we kissed, he had such a big affect on me.

'Come in then' i say, as the kiss finishes 'i'm skyping' before skipping over to the sofa where my laptop was sat.

'Toria, i have someone you might want to meet' i say into the camera, then gesturing for Ashton to come in, as he was awkwardly waiting at the other end of the sofa.

Ashton shuffled over and smiled into the camera.

'Toria, this is Ashton, my boyfriend' i say grinning, victoria looks just as surprised as my mum.

'Wow, been in Australia a week and you have a boyfriend?' Victoria winks, making fun.

'When you put it like that, it sounds really bad, but we've spent all week with eachother and it was just right i suppose' Ashton pipes up.

'He took me to a FUCKING ONE DIRECTION CONCERT after our date and during little things, he asked me to be his girlfriend' i say before pinching Ashton's cheek playfully. He quickly pecks me on the lips cheekily.

'He's done it all right May!' Victoria squeals.

'I know right' i wink back

'And he's in a band, i'll have to introduce you, i bet you'll like the guitarist, Michael!' I say, getting excited at the thought.

'Hmmm maybe!' Victoria says back.

'Its not long till i visit!' Toria says again, even more excited

'I know! 1 month!' I say, me and Victoria were so close that we couldn't go without seeing each other for too long, so she decided to spend her summer staying with me, amazing!

'Oh my god!' Victoria replies, before then adding 'i have to go, i'll text you soon!'

'Bye! I'll miss you!' I say before Toria then ends the call.

'There you go, you've officially met one of my friends!' I say to Ashton.

'She seems great' Ashton grins. 'I have something planned for us both today, go get ready then we'll go' he says, before planting a kiss on my lips.

I jog upstairs to go have a shower, excited for the day that was about to happen with my BOYFRIEND! It still sounds weird!

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