Chapter 15: That Was A Bit Fast Pace

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*Ashton's POV*

After we had finished drumming, and kissing. We then put my music on full volume.

'Let's have a rave' May says, pulling out her ipod and putting it on my docking station.

'Let's do it!' I say, putting my hands in the air.

A bassy beat kicked in, dubstep, May liked dubstep?! 

'You like dubstep?' I asked, astonished

'Yeah, Its good for a rave, try and hit the beat' May giggled, prancing around and messing about.

'It's coming' May said, slowly buliding up the pace.

The beat came in, both of us getting it spot on, by now the track was going mental, and so were we. The fast pase of the dubstep was followed by our head banging and dancing. All we could hear was the bass and us both giggling. The track then finished, both of us slumped on my bed beside eachother.

'That was a bit fast pace' May says, panting,

We both burst out with laughter, giggling at the inuendo we had both made.

'That was your fault!' I say between giggles.

'You laughed too!' May excalimed, playfully hitting my chest.

I straddled May's waist, holding her hands above her head, trapping her. 

'And what are you going to do about that?' I say cheekily, grinning at her.

'I'll do this' She says, and before i knew it, she had released her hand from my grip, her face inches away from mine. She giggled, before licking me all over my face.

'You're so lovely' I laugh, not really caring that someone had just licked my face.

'I know right?' She says, still giggling. She then pecked me on the lips, looking at me in the eyes, I pecked her lips. This went on for quite a while, before I finally kissed her for longer, cupping her face in my hands.

'That was unexpected' She says cheekily.

'Hey do you want to go for a walk?' I say, changing the subject quite quickly.

'Yeah sounds great! Can i borrow a hoodie of yours, I only have shorts and a t-shirt' May asks, smiling widely at me.

'Sure thing baby' I say, pecking her on the lips once more, I couldn't get enough of her.

I got up off May, then looked in my wardrobe, finding a zip-up for May. I chucked it to her, as she made her way into my bathroom to get changed again.

She was in there for quite a while, before she then came out, her make-up and hair done again.

'Why'd you put more make-up on?' I asked, grabbing her waist and pulling her towards me. 

'Because I looked awful' She blushed

'Lies' I say, before pressing my lips gently against hers. I then took her hand as we made our way out of my house. 

'Where are we headed?' May asked me.

'The park!' I say enthusiastically. 'But first' I pull out my phone 'I need a photo with my beautiful girlfriend' I opened the camera, and put it so it was on the front camera.

I kissed May's cheek as she grinned towards the camera, We then took another one, this time May kissed my cheek, I couldn't help but grin widely as her soft lips were against mine. We then took one of us both smiling, and finally one of us kissing. I flicked through the pictures.

'aw' I heard May say from beside me. I set the one of me kissing May's cheek as my lock screen. 

'Send me them!' she whined. I sent them to her, she opened them, saving them one by one, before deciding on the one of me kissing her cheek to be her lock screen. I then instagrammed, the picture, with the caption 'she's beautiful'. 

'Why are you getting so many likes?!' May asks, taking my phone and scrolling through the notifications I am recieving.

'My band, we're quite well known and we have a few fans.' I reply awkwardly, I forgot i hadn't told May about my band's success.

'A few fans? There's 1000's!' She exclaims.

I see May stop at one comment though 'She's fucking ugly' May then quickly scrolls past it, pretending she hadn't seen it. 

'Shall we go to the park then?' May asks shakily, looking like she was going to cry.

'Not before I do this' I say, i opened the keek app and clicked the button to make a new keek.

'I started recording 'Hey guys! I have someone you'll all want to meet. Here's my stunning girlfriend, May' I pointed the camera towards May, she immediately uses the long sleeves from my jacket to cover her face.

'She means so much to me, she's beautiful, smart, funny and guys please dont hate her because she's something special! Okay, I havent got long, bye guys!' I say, leaning into May and pointing the camera at us both, she flashed a cute smile at the camera, before the time was then up.

'Ashton, i dont know, they'll hate me' May wispers.

'I just want everyone to know you're mine, you mean so much to me already May, I dont want anyone hurting you, and if they do, I'll kick their teeth in' I say taking May into a hug, her head resting just below my shoulder.

'May I think I lo-' I was cut off by May's hand covering my mouth.

'DONT SAY IT UNTIL YOU TRUELY MEAN IT' she shouts. 'I dont want that word to be a everyday thing, save it so when you really think it, I'll know and it'll be special' I get what she means. I mean i like May, a hell of a lot, but is it love yet? I can't tell her until i know its love, and i know its going to hit me like a bus one day.


*May's POV*

After a quick swing on the swings at the park, we then made the short walk back to Ashton's. I decided to ring my mum, as Ashton has invited me over to stay at his.

'Hello?' My mum said from down the line.

'Hey mum, i'm staying at Ashton's tonight so i'll see you tomorrow' I explain

'Okay, you be careful, no funny business and-'

'Okay mum i get the drill, please stop!' I say, extreamily embarrassed

'Okay babe, just be careful, I'll see you tomorrow, Love you'

'I love you too mum, bye' 

'Bye' My mum then hung up, as I made my way upstairs towards Ashton's room.

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