Valiant Comics: 3/4 of The Unity Squad

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Checked out Valiant Comics yet? No? Well too bad, cause IMMA SHOVE DOWN YO THROATS.

In Valiant, there's a team titled The Unity Squad, which is basically this company's Avengers team. Except cooler. But nothing beats The Justice League. Nothing.

At the very bottom, is the Eternal Warrior: A man who was granted the birth of immortality centuries ago. His task is now to protect the Earth and its Geomancer, which is basically it's voice puppet -slash- Avatar-like prophet that arrives every once in a while.

To the left is Ninjak, the guy I drew and posted right before this. He's basically Batman FUSION-HAA'ed with James Bond. With the British accent.

The guy flying at the top is Aric, who is best known by his comic (and armor) title —
The X-O MANOWAR: Aric was a Visigoth prince who fought against the Romans until aliens arrived and began slaughtering his people. He was captured by the alien species known as The Vine, and freed himself and his people, taking an alien armor with near limitless power, which he bonds with symbiotically.

This is 3-outta-4 of the Unity Squad, as there is one more person: A girl named Livewire who possesses the ability to speak to and control machines — whether from Earth, or elsewhere...

Requests are taken guys, so please don't be afraid to ask! I don't know about everything, so you may asking me to draw some things I have no clue existed. And if I find it being a very peculiar thing, it will not be drawn. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Deuces for now! ⚔✌🏽💀✌🏽👾

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